11.04.2024 03:08:26 - dpa-AFX: Walmart Health Expands In Texas

BENTONVILLE (dpa-AFX) - Residents of Texas now have access to convenient and
affordable healthcare services with the opening of three new Walmart Health
centers in Pearland, Sugar Land, and Tomball. These centers mark the beginning
of Walmart's expansion, with a total of 18 new locations planned for the state
this year, adding to the existing four sites, Walmart said in a statement.

The company noted that the new Walmart Health centers will continue to open
throughout the summer and fall. These state-of-the-art facilities, each
approximately 5,400 square feet in size and located adjacent to Walmart
Supercenters, offer a comprehensive range of health services under one roof.
Services may vary by location but include same-day primary care, dental,
behavioral health, labs, x-ray, community health, and telehealth.

Additionally, the Walmart Health centers in Texas will provide value-based care
for specific senior populations, offering annual check-ups, dental cleanings,
and support for managing chronic conditions-all in one convenient location with
flexible scheduling options.

To accommodate busy families, seniors, and their caregivers, these Walmart
Health centers will operate seven days a week, with extended hours on weekends
and evenings, as well as telehealth options available on Sundays.

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