17.04.2024 20:53:21 - dpa-AFX: Amazon Music Unveils Maestro, A New AI-powered Playlist Generator

SEATTLE (dpa-AFX) - Amazon Music, the music streaming service from tech
giant Amazon, has started testing its latest AI-powered feature called

This new feature is an AI playlist generator that allows US-based Amazon Music
subscribers to create playlists using spoken or written prompts, which can even
include emojis.

Maestro is currently being offered in the beta version to a selected group of
Amazon Music subscribers in the US. According to the company, users can create
playlists using any prompts, including emojis, and the playlists generated by AI
can be saved and shared with other Amazon Music subscribers.

Users who have access to the beta version can see Maestro on their home screen
when creating a new playlist or tapping the plus sign. Once selected, Maestro
will start assembling the playlist, and users can choose to type or speak the
prompts out loud.

Maestro is similar to Spotify's AI Playlist, which was recently launched for
premium users in the United Kingdom and Australia. However, only the Amazon
Music app will have access to Maestro.

Amazon Music subscribers will have access to more functionalities with Maestro.
They can listen to playlists instantly and save them for later. However,
ad-supported users will only be able to listen to 30-second previews of the
songs before saving them. This could potentially encourage more users to upgrade
to the paid subscription if they like the AI functionality.

The company has implemented some guardrails, including blocking offensive
language and inappropriate prompts. Amazon Music expects to gather feedback from
beta users before expanding the rollout of Maestro.

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