26.03.2024 16:06:36 - dpa-AFX: Amazon Launches Same-Day Pharmacy Delivery To New York, Los Angeles

SEATTLE (dpa-AFX) - Amazon.com (AMZN) has added New York and Los Angeles to
the cities where it offers same-day pharmacy delivery, with plans to expand the
service to more than a dozen U.S. cities by the end of the year.

The tech giant says same-day delivery of prescriptions for common conditions
such as diabetes and high blood pressure is available in the two metros. Amazon
also offers same-day pharmacy delivery in Indianapolis, Miami, Phoenix, Seattle
and Austin, Texas.

'By bringing Amazon Pharmacy's deliveries into our existing world-class
logistics network, Amazon is building the fastest and most convenient service
for the home delivery of prescription medications,' said Doug Herrington, CEO of
Worldwide Amazon Stores. 'These faster delivery speeds will be a game changer
when you or your family need your medications quickly.'

Amazon Pharmacy is using new small-format facilities, stocked with the most
common prescription medications for acute conditions, to get medications closer
to where customers live.

For example, Amazon Pharmacy's new small-format facility in Brooklyn carries a
subset of the more than 12,000 medications available from Amazon.com, with a
focus on supporting urgent-care needs. The pharmacist and fulfillment team at
the site can process a prescription within a matter of minutes rather than hours
or days.

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Name WKN Börse Kurs Datum/Zeit Diff. Diff. % Geld Brief Erster Schluss
AMAZON.COM INC. DL-,01 906866 Xetra 174,140 08.05.24 16:12:19 -1,280 -0,73% 174,180 174,240 175,400 175,420

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