01.05.2024 22:44:57 - dpa-AFX: Nvidia's ChatRTX Receives Major AI Update

SANTA CLARA (dpa-AFX) - Nvidia Corp. (NVDA) has updated its innovative
ChatRTX chatbot by introducing more artificial intelligence models for RTX GPU

Originally launched as a tech demo called 'Chat with RTX' back in February, the
company has now rebranded it to ChatRTX and updated it with improved performance
and additional features.

The update was unveiled at GTC 2024 in March, and it brings a host of new
capabilities such as AI-driven speech recognition, photo search functionality,
and compatibility with a more extensive range of LLMs.

ChatRTX now supports a broader selection of LLMs, including Gemma and Google's
latest LLM, along with ChatGLM3, an open LLM that can support languages such as
English and Chinese.

With the latest update, users can now easily search and interact with their
photo data without the need for complex metadata labeling, thanks to OpenAI's
CLIP technology.

Furthermore, users can now communicate verbally with their data using Whisper,
an AI speech recognition system that enables ChatRTX to understand verbal

It is important to note that ChatRTX supports a variety of file formats,
including txt, pdf, doc/docx, jpg, png, gif, and xml, allowing users to search
for content within specified folders. To use ChatRTX, users must have an RTX 30-
or 40-series GPU with 8GB of VRAM or higher.

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