15.04.2024 17:41:51 - dpa-AFX: Meta Temporarily Shuts Threads In Turkey Over Data-Sharing Prohibition

ANKARA (dpa-AFX) - Meta Platforms, Inc. (META), Monday announced its
decision to temporarily suspend its text-based conversation app Threads in
Turkey from April 29, following an interim prohibition order from the nation's
competition watchdog regarding data-sharing.

The prohibition comes as the tech-giant frequently advertises Threads content in
Instagram to lead users towards joining the former, increasing the number of
users in both Meta-owned apps, which could harm its competitors in the market.

However, Meta argued that, 'We disagree with the interim order, we believe we
are in compliance with all Turkish legal requirements, and we will appeal'.

In March, the Turkish competition authority had asked Meta to limit the data
transaction between Threads and Instagram.

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META PLATF. A DL-,000006 A1JWVX Frankfurt 401,250 29.04.24 21:22:10 -12,750 -3,08% 0,000 0,000 417,150 414,000

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