26.04.2024 21:09:26 - dpa-AFX: Apple Removed AI Apps From Its Appstore Which Promoted Creating Non-consensual Nude Images

CUPERTINO (dpa-AFX) - Apple Inc. (AAPL) has taken down several AI image
generator applications that were promoted for creating non-consensual nude

A recent investigation by 404 Media revealed how companies utilized Instagram
advertisements to support apps that could undress individuals without their

Some of these advertisements led users directly to Apple's Store for an
application marketed as an 'art generator,' specifically designed to generate
non-consensual nude images. These applications provided features such as
face-swapping in adult images and digitally removing clothing in photos. The
investigation not only exposed the presence of these applications but also
highlighted their promotion through popular advertising platforms.

The investigation report previously noted that Instagram advertised these
applications through Meta's Ad Library. Once the advertisements were flagged,
Meta removed them.

While Apple did not initially respond to inquiries from 404 Media, the company
promptly acted upon receiving detailed information, including direct links to
the applications and their advertisements.

In a statement, 404 Media noted, 'In total, Apple eliminated three applications
from the App Store, but only after we provided the company with links to the
specific applications and their associated advertisements, indicating Apple was
unable to independently identify the policy-violating applications.'

Apple's removal of these applications from the App Store represents a positive
step, although some issues persist as Apple did not prohibit the applications
during its App Store Review process and had to depend on external parties to
alert them to the existence of these applications.

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