15.05.2024 07:00:09 - EQS-News: Aareal Bank posts a very good start to -3-

DJ EQS-News: Aareal Bank posts a very good start to the 2024 financial year

EQS-News: Aareal Bank AG / Key word(s): Quarter Results
Aareal Bank posts a very good start to the 2024 financial year
2024-05-15 / 06:59 CET/CEST
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Aareal Bank posts a very good start to the 2024 financial year
. Consolidated operating profit rises to EUR 103 million in the first quarter, reaching the highest level
since 2018
. Strong earnings power: net interest income of EUR 254 million, net commission income grows to EUR 86 million

. Risk provisions of EUR 83 million, including a EUR 56 million management overlay, remain at an elevated
level, reflecting challenges on the US office property market
. NPL reduction in excess of EUR 500 million successfully implemented
. Common Equity Tier 1 ratio rises to 19.7 per cent
. Aareon's adjusted EBITDA more than doubled to EUR 40 million
. CEO Jochen Klösges: "The good start to the year demonstrates once again the extent to which Aareal Bank
Group has been able to increase its earnings power in recent years. This is especially important in times like
these. Thanks to our high operational resilience, we are well prepared for the current challenges."
Wiesbaden, 15 May 2024 - Aareal Bank Group achieved very good results for the first quarter of 2024: consolidated
operating profit of EUR 103 million was up by 66 per cent year-on-year (Q1 2023: EUR 62 million), reaching the highest
level since 2018. The Bank accounted for around EUR 92 million of consolidated operating profit. Higher income and lower
costs clearly offset risk provisions of EUR 83 million, which remain at an elevated level but within the framework of
full-year planning. Aareal Bank was able to reduce more than EUR 500 million in non-performing loans (NPLs) during the
first quarter, as announced. Software subsidiary Aareon has also developed favourably, with sales revenue increasing by
31 per cent and adjusted EBITDA by 115 per cent. Aareon also successfully continued its M&A activities, making further
Chief Executive Officer Jochen Klösges said: "The good start to the year demonstrates once again the extent to which
Aareal Bank Group has been able to increase its earnings power in recent years. This is especially important in times
like these. Thanks to our high operational resilience, we are well prepared for the current challenges."
Net interest income rose by 14 per cent in the first quarter, to EUR 254 million (Q1 2023: EUR 222 million). The higher
portfolio volume compared to the same quarter of the previous year and the good margins on new business originated in
previous quarters had a positive impact here, whilst the deposit-taking business continued to benefit from normalised
interest rate levels.
Net commission income also continued to increase, rising 19 per cent compared to the same quarter of the previous year,
to reach EUR 86 million (Q1 2023: EUR 72 million), driven by Aareon's strong sales revenue growth in particular.
As expected, risk provisions of EUR 83 million remained at an elevated level in the first quarter (Q1 2023: EUR 32
million). This includes a management overlay of EUR 56 million, to reflect the persistent challenges in the US office
property market at an early stage and as comprehensively as possible. Together with risk provisions booked as valuation
adjustments in net gain or loss from financial instruments (fvpl), total risk provisions amounted to EUR 86 million in
the first quarter (Q1 2023: EUR 35 million).
Administrative expenses amounted to EUR 147 million, significantly lower than in the same quarter of the previous year
(Q1 2023: EUR 199 million). Besides continued cost discipline, lower expenses for the bank levy and deposit protection
contributions, which are regularly posted for the full year during the first quarter, also contributed to the lower
figure. Furthermore, the previous year's quarter was influenced by significant investments made by Aareon. The Bank's
cost/income ratio remained at a very good level of 32 per cent for the first quarter of 2024 (Q1 2023: 35 per cent).
Considering taxes of EUR 30 million, consolidated net income was EUR 73 million (Q1 2023: EUR 42 million).
Capital position remained very solid during in the first quarter. Despite the challenging situation on the US office
property market, Aareal Bank managed to increase its Common Equity Tier 1 ratio (Basel IV phase-in ratio) to a very
comfortable 19.7 per cent (31 Dec 2023: 19.4 per cent). The Total Capital Ratio stood at 23.7 per cent (31 December
2023: 23.5 per cent).
One focal aspect of funding activities was the continued expansion of retail deposits: the volume of fixed-interest
retail deposits sourced through platforms rose to EUR 3 billion (31 Dec 2023: EUR 2.6 billion). Whilst deposits were
sourced from Germany to date, the Bank extended deposit-taking activity to the Netherlands and Austria in order to
further diversify the deposits base and plans further geographic expansion for the future. The Bank also issued a
benchmark Pfandbrief of EUR 500 million.
Chief Financial Officer Marc Hess said: "Capital markets were characterised by strong volatility during the first
quarter. Thanks to our very successful broadening of the funding mix, only a small amount of capital markets funding
was required in this environment. Deposits from private investors are now an integral part of our funding, which we
want to further diversify in the future. Our liquidity indicators also remain at a very good level."
Developments by business segment
As announced at the annual press conference in February, as planned, Aareal Bank reduced its portfolio of
non-performing loans (NPLs) for US office properties in the Structured Property Financing segment, during the first
quarter. No further risk provisions were required for that reduction, and only one new NPL case occurred. As of the end
of March, the NPL portfolio was down to EUR 1.1 billion (31 Dec 2023: EUR 1.6 billion); the NPE ratio fell correspondingly
to 2.9 per cent (31 Dec 2023: 3.4 per cent).
In view of volatile markets and low transaction volumes, Aareal Bank originated new business on a selective basis,
totalling EUR 0.9 billion in the first three months of the current financial year (Q1 2023: EUR 1.1 billion), including
EUR 0.7 billion in newly-originated loans. Margins on new business remained good, and loan-to-value ratios low.
Portfolio volume at the end of the first quarter totalled EUR 32.1 billion, slightly lower than at the end of 2023 (31
Mar 2023: EUR 30.7 billion; 31 Dec 2023: EUR 32.9 billion). Average loan-to-value ratios in the existing portfolio of
only 56 per cent reflect the high quality of financings in the Bank's credit portfolio.
Aareal Bank also extended its largest "green" loan to date in the Asia/Pacific region in the first quarter: it financed
a hotel portfolio of five properties in Australia for Pro-Invest Group. The total volume of green financings in Aareal
Bank's credit portfolio rose to EUR 5.5 billion at the end of March.
In the Banking & Digital Solutions segment, net interest income rose to EUR 65 million in the first quarter (Q1 2023:
EUR 52 million), reflecting normalised interest rate levels in conjunction with the continued high volume of client
deposits from the housing and energy industries. At EUR 13.9 billion, the average volume in the first quarter remained
well above the targeted level of around EUR 13 billion.
The first quarter also saw the establishment of a joint venture, First Financial Software GmbH, expanding the
foundations for long-term cooperation between Aareal Bank and Aareon and further strengthening the Group's banking and
software businesses.
Software subsidiary Aareon saw its sales revenues rise by 31 per cent to EUR 108 million in the first quarter, up 31 per
cent (Q1 2023: EUR 83 million). The share of recurring revenue compared to total sales revenues increased to 83 per cent
(Q1 2023: 75 per cent). Adjusted EBITDA more than doubled to EUR 40 million in the first quarter (Q1 2023: EUR 18 million).
Aareon is thus on track to achieve its sales revenue and profit targets for 2024.
Aareon also continued its M&A activities: in January, it acquired Blue-Mountain Group B.V., a Dutch provider of
business intelligence solutions for housing associations, healthcare and education institutions. Aareon announced a
strategic investment in Stonal, a French proptech, at the beginning of May. Stonal is one of the leading data
management platforms for property owners and investors in Europe. Its collaborative, AI-driven platform supports
decision-making, facilitating ESG reporting and investment planning alongside other functions. With both investments,
Aareon is thus strengthening its portfolio within the Group, offering its clients added value in the area of data
After the successful start into the year, Aareal Bank Group is well on track to achieve its communicated goals.

Contacts for the media:
Margarita Thiel
Phone: +49 611 348 2306
Mobile: +49 171 2069740
Christian Feldbrügge
Phone: +49 611 348 2280
Mobile: +49 171 8667919
Contact for investors:
Aareal Bank AG - Investor Relations
Phone: +49 611 348 3009
About Aareal Bank Group
Aareal Bank Group, headquartered in Wiesbaden, is a leading international property specialist. The Bank uses its
expertise to identify trends, challenges and opportunities at an early stage, and to exploit them for the benefit of
its stakeholders. Aareal Bank Group provides smart financings, software products, and digital solutions for the
property sector and related industries, and is present across three continents, Europe, North America and the Asia/
Pacific region. Aareal Bank Group's business strategy focuses on sustainable business success, with environmental,
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May 15, 2024 01:00 ET (05:00 GMT)

DJ EQS-News: Aareal Bank posts a very good start to -2-

social and governance (ESG) aspects as an integral part of this strategy.
Aareal Bank AG comprises the business segments Structured Property Financing, Banking & Digital Solutions, and Aareon.
The Structured Property Financing segment encompasses all of Aareal Bank Group's property financing and funding
activities. Here, the Bank supports its clients in making large-volume commercial property investments. The investment
properties mostly comprise office buildings, hotels, shopping centres, logistics and residential property, as well as
student housing. In the Banking & Digital Solutions segment, Aareal Bank Group supports businesses from the housing,
property management and energy industries as a digitalisation partner - combining extensive advisory services and
product solutions with traditional corporate banking services and deposit-taking. Its subsidiary Aareon, Europe's
trusted provider of SaaS solutions for the property industry, represents the third business segment. Committed to
connecting people, process, and property, Aareon brings the ecosystem closer together. Aareon's Property Management
System promotes efficient property management and maintenance, enabling superior digital experiences for everyone

Aareal Bank Group - Key Indicators
1 Jan-31 Mar 2024 1 Jan-31 Mar 2023

Operating profit (EUR  mn)                                                              103                  62 
Consolidated net income (EUR  mn)                                                        73                  42 
Consolidated net income allocated to ordinary shareholders (EUR  mn)^1)                  63                  47 
Cost/income ratio (%)^2)                                                             31.7                34.7 
Earnings per ordinary share (EUR )^1)                                                  1.05                0.78 
RoE before taxes (%) ^1) 3)                                                          12.8                 9.0 
RoE after taxes (%) ^1) 3)                                                            8.7                 6.4 
31 Mar 2024   31 Dec 2023 

Statement of Financial Position
Property finance (EUR  mn)                            32,140        32,876 
Equity (EUR  mn)                                       3,385         3,300 
Total assets (EUR  mn)                                47,438        46,833 

Regulatory Indicators^4)
Basel IV (phase-in)
Risk-weighted assets (EUR  mn)                        13,768        13,720 
Common Equity Tier 1 ratio (CET1 ratio) (%)           19.7          19.4 
Tier 1 ratio (T1 ratio) (%)                           21.9          21.6 
Total Capital Ratio (TC ratio) (%)                    23.7          23.5 

Employees 3,457 3,463
^1) The allocation of earnings is based on the assumption that net interest payable on the AT1 bond is recognised on an accrual basis.

^2) Structured Property Financing and Banking & Digital Solutions segments: in line with common practice in the banking sector, bank levy and contributions to the deposit guarantee scheme are not included.

^3) On an annualised basis

^4) 31 December 2023: including profits for 2023 and pro rata temporis accrual of interest on the AT1 bond, since no payout of profits for 2023 will be made in 2024. 31 March 2024: including interim profits for 2024, deducting the pro rata dividend in line with the dividend policy, and incorporating the pro-rata accrual of net interest payable on the AT1 bond. The CET1 ratio, determined as the higher of the amounts under Basel III and Basel IV (phase-in), as shown in Aareal Bank's regulatory report as at 31 March 2024, was 18.5%, reflecting the fact that the Bank had not submitted an application for inclusion of profits on that reporting date to the ECB.

The SREP recommendations concerning the NPL inventory were taken into account, as well as the ECB's NPL guidelines for the regulatory capital of new NPLs and an additional voluntary and preventive capital deduction for regulatory uncertainties from ECB tests.

Consolidated Income Statement for the first quarter of 2024 (in accordance with IFRSs)

1 Jan-31 Mar 2024   1 Jan-31 Mar 2023   Change 
EUR  mn               EUR  mn        % 
Net interest income                                                                    254                 222       14 
Loss allowance                                                                          83                  32      159 
Net commission income                                                                   86                  72       19 
Net derecognition gain or loss                                                           3                   0 
Net gain or loss from financial instruments (fvpl)                                     -18                  -6      200 
Net gain or loss from hedge accounting                                                   8                   4      100 

Net gain or loss from investments accounted for using the equity
method                                                                                   -                   - 
Administrative expenses                                                                147                 199      -26 
Net other operating income/expenses                                                      0                   1 
Operating profit                                                                       103                  62       66 
Income taxes                                                                            30                  20       50 
Consolidated net income                                                                 73                  42       74 
Consolidated net income attributable to non-controlling interests                        2                  -9 
Consolidated net income attributable to shareholders of Aareal Bank AG                  71                  51       39 

Earnings per share (EpS)
Consolidated net income attributable to shareholders of Aareal Bank AG
^1)                                                                                     71                  51       39 
of which: allocated to ordinary shareholders                            63                  47       34 
of which: allocated to AT1 investors                                     8                   4      100 
Earnings per ordinary share (EUR )^2)                                                   1.05                0.78       35 
Earnings per AT1 unit (EUR )^3)                                                         0.08                0.04      100 

^1) The allocation of earnings is based on the assumption that net interest payable on the AT1 bond is recognised on an accrual basis.

^2) Earnings per ordinary share are determined by dividing the earnings allocated to ordinary shareholders of Aareal Bank AG by the weighted average of ordinary shares outstanding during the financial year (59,857,221 shares). Basic earnings per ordinary share correspond to diluted earnings per ordinary share.

^3) Earnings per AT1 unit (based on 100,000,000 AT1 units with a notional amount of EUR 3 each) are determined by dividing the earnings attributable to AT1 investors by the weighted average of AT1 units outstanding during the financial year. Basic earnings per AT1 unit correspond to diluted earnings per AT1 unit. Segment results for the first quarter of 2024 (in accordance with IFRSs)

Structured Banking & Consolidation / Aareal Bank
Property Digital Aareon Reconciliation Group
Financing         Solutions 
1 Jan-   1 Jan-   1 Jan-   1 Jan-   1 Jan-   1 Jan-    1 Jan-   1 Jan-   1 Jan-   1 Jan- 
31 Mar   31 Mar   31 Mar   31 Mar   31 Mar   31 Mar    31 Mar   31 Mar   31 Mar   31 Mar 
2024     2023     2024     2023     2024     2023      2024     2023     2024     2023 
EUR  mn 
Net interest income               203      176       65       52      -14       -6         0        0      254      222 
Loss allowance                     83       32        0        0        0        0                          83       32 
Net commission income              -1        0       -1        8       90       67        -2       -3       86       72 
Net derecognition gain or           3        0                                                               3        0 

Net gain or loss from -17 -6 -1 0 0 -18 -6
financial instruments (fvpl)
Net gain or loss from hedge 8 4 8 4
Net gain or loss from
investments accounted for
using the equity method
Administrative expenses            59       74       24       32       66       96        -2       -3      147      199 
Net other operating income/         0        0       -1        0        1        1         0        0        0        1 

Operating profit                   54       68       38       28       11      -34         0        0      103       62 
Income taxes                       12       15       12        9        6       -4                          30       20 
Consolidated net income            42       53       26       19        5      -30         0        0       73       42 

Consolidated net income
attributable to 0 0 0 0 2 -9 2 -9
non-controlling interests
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Consolidated net income
attributable to shareholders 42 53 26 19 3 -21 0 0 71 51
of Aareal Bank AG

2024-05-15 CET/CEST Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by EQS News - a service of EQS Group AG. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. The EQS Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements, Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases. Archive at www.eqs-news.com


Language:     English 
Company:      Aareal Bank AG 

Paulinenstr. 15
65189 Wiesbaden
Phone:        +49 (0)611 348 - 0 
Fax:          +49 (0)611 348 - 2332 
E-mail:       aareal@aareal-bank.com 
Internet:     www.aareal-bank.com 
ISIN:         DE000A37FT90 
WKN:          A37FT9 
Listed:       Regulated Unofficial Market in Hamburg, Hanover; Stockholm 
EQS News ID:  1903107 

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END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 15, 2024 01:00 ET (05:00 GMT)
Name WKN Börse Kurs Datum/Zeit Diff. Diff. % Geld Brief Erster Schluss
AAREAL BANK AG NA O.N. A37FT9 Hamburg 36,100 20.09.24 18:14:06 -0,100 -0,28% 0,000 0,000 36,200 36,100

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