10.05.2024 21:37:58 - dpa-AFX: Apple To Use M2 Chips To Power AI Servers : Bloomberg

CUPERTINO (dpa-AFX) - Apple (AAPL) is planning to use M2 Ultra chips to
power artificial intelligence data centers, before moving to its latest M4
chips, according to a report by Bloomberg.

The publisher's analyst Mark Gurman said that Apple would use the M2 chips for
the most advanced AI tasks like generating AI images or summarizing a long
story, whereas simpler tasks like summarizing notifications would be handled

The report noted that the initial idea to use in-house chips for AI servers was
conceived three years ago.

Earlier, The Wall Street Journal had reported that the tech giant was developing
custom chips to ensure privacy and security for a project named Apple Chips in
Data Center.

However, the company discarded the idea later as it believed that present
in-house chips provide sufficient privacy and security.

Recently, Apple has introduced new iPad Air powered by M2 and iPad Pro with M4,
touted 'outrageously powerful chip for AI' due to its 16-core neural engine.

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