13.03.2024 21:16:50 - dpa-AFX: Eli Lilly Strikes Deal With Amazon Pharmacy To Deliver Prescription Drugs

INDIANAPOLIS (dpa-AFX) - Eli Lilly (LLY) announced that Amazon's (AMZN)
Pharmacy subsidiary has agreed to deliver several prescription drugs, including
weight loss drug Zepbound, directly to the customers' homes.

Under the agreement, Amazon Pharmacy will deliver prescribed drugs for obesity,
diabetes and migraine to the customers who have ordered through Eli Lilly's
website, LillyDirect.

'I think it's a wonderful advantage,' Frank Cunningham, Eli Lilly's senior vice
president of global value and access, said. 'The goal is to have a fantastic
customer experience where the product gets to them as soon as possible.'

The online pharmacy platform offers two-day deliveries to Amazon Prime members.
It will also provide 24/7 access to clinical pharmacists to handle customer
inquiries about the medications.

'We actually don't think that's a high enough bar. We're still getting started,'
Amazon Pharmacy Vice President John Love told CNBC about the two-day delivery

Love added, 'But this is what I think makes us an attractive partner and
collaborator for all sorts of folks like Lilly, payers, providers who are
looking for a different type of pharmacy.'

LillyDirect launched in January, connects people directly with an independent
health company which prescribes drugs to eligible customers only, eliminating
the need to go to doctor for prescription.

The pharmaceutical giant also has another online delivery partner, Truepill, to
deliver medications to patients.

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