05.04.2024 15:31:49 - dpa-AFX: IBM, Government Of Spain Tie-up To Develop AI Models For Spanish Language

ARMONK (dpa-AFX) - IBM Corp. (IBM) announced on Friday that it has signed a
deal with the Spanish Government to develop foundational models of artificial
intelligence or AI for Spanish and co-official languages, including Catalan,
Basque, Galician, and Valencian.

In addition, the two parties inked a Memorandum of Understanding or MoU to
promote their collaboration in AI and AI supercomputing, advance the development
and practical deployment of open, ethical and responsible generative AI in

The MoU also aims to share the vision to create a suite of foundation models
including both large language models or LLMs and small language models,
proficient in the Spanish language and co-official languages.

'One of the priority areas under this MoU is to collaborate in a leading suite
of foundation models, including both large language models or LLMs and small
language models or SLMs, proficient in the Spanish language and co-official
languages,' the company said.

The collaboration also reflects the intention to develop AI to support the
discovery, development, and validation of new materials to increase the
sustainability of the semiconductors value chain.

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