25.07.2023 07:01:02 - dpa-AFX: GNW-Adhoc: EDENRED : First-half 2023 results - Thanks to the sound execution of its Beyond22-25 plan, Edenred confirms its strong growth momentum, quarter after quarter

First-half 2023 results
Thanks to the sound execution of its Beyond(22-25) plan, Edenred confirms its strong growth momentum, quarter after quarter
Edenred reports a strong increase in earnings compared with first-half 2022
   * Total revenue of EUR1,163 million in first-half 2023, up 26.1% as reported
     (+25.5% like-for-like)
       * Operating revenue of EUR1,081 million, up 20.0% on a like-for-like
         basis, including a 19.6% rise in the second quarter

* Other revenue of EUR82 million, versus EUR31 million in first-half 2022,
         driven by business growth and higher interest rates
   * EBITDA of EUR483 million, up 32.5% as reported (+35.2% like-for-like)
       * EBITDA margin of 41.5%, up 3.1 percentage points like-for-like
   * Net profit, Group share of EUR202 million, up 18.8%
   * Strong cash generation: funds from operations before other income and
     expenses (FFO) of EUR338 million, up 12,9%
       * Net debt: EUR1.85 billion at end-June 2023 after the acquisition of
         Reward Gateway in May 2023 for approximately EUR1.3 billion

Edenred has significantly strengthened its range of employee engagement
solutions with two acquisitions
   * Acquisition of Reward Gateway, a fast-growing platform, leader in the
     United Kingdom and Australia and also present in the United States, with
     the aim of rolling out the offering in another six major countries in
     Continental Europe
   * Acquisition of GOintegro, a leading platform in Latin America, active in
     seven countries

Edenred continues to extend its value proposition
   * An enhanced digital experience to encourage engagement and use of its
   * New high value-added Beyond Food, Beyond Fuel and Beyond Payment services
     for clients, partner merchants and users
   * Ongoing investments in the technology infrastructure of its platform, in
     particular through the development of API(1) connections to aggregate and
     distribute third-party solutions

By continuing to roll out its Beyond(22-25) strategic plan, Edenred expects to
achieve new record results in 2023
   * EBITDA expected to total between EUR1,020 million and EUR1,090 million for
     full-year 2023 vs. EUR836 million for full-year 2022.

Bertrand Dumazy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Edenred, said: "The
robust growth Edenred has seen in recent periods continued apace in first-half
2023. Thanks to the hard work and talent of our 12,000 employees, this growth
is proving ever more profitable, while we continue investing in our technology
assets. We are pressing ahead with our Beyond(22-25) strategic plan to further
penetrate our markets, enhance the experience of our clients, partner
merchants and users, and enrich our offering of increasingly relevant
During the first half, we notably strengthened our position as the most
trusted global Employee Benefits platform by acquiring Reward Gateway, which
operates in the UK, Australia and the US, and GOintegro in Latin America. The
acquisition of these two leading employee engagement platforms will enable us
to provide HR departments with an even more comprehensive range of solutions,
making their organizations more attractive so they can attract and retain top
talent. We also plan to expand Reward Gateway's coverage to a selection of key
countries in Continental Europe.
Lastly, thanks to the agility of our platform, we are starting to distribute
third-party services, such as salary advance solutions, to better meet the
expectations of a fast-changing world of work.
After this strong first half, our outlook for the second half of the year is
just as promising, as we target EBITDA of between EUR1,020 million and EUR1,090
million for full-year 2023."
At its meeting on July 24, 2023, the Board of Directors reviewed the Group's interim consolidated financial statements for the six months ended June 30, 2023.
Key financial metrics:
                                                                    % change
 (in EUR millions)    First-half    First-half       % change        (like-for-
                       2023          2022         (reported)         like)

 Operating revenue     1,081          891           +21.3%           +20.0%
 Other revenue          82            31            +166.4%         +185.2%
 Total revenue         1,163          922           +26.1%           +25.5%

EBITDA 483 365 +32.5% +35.2%
EBIT 399 295 +35.2% +40.3%
Net profit, Group
share 202 170 +18.8%
  * Total revenue: EUR1,163 million
Total  revenue  for  first-half  2023 amounted  to  EUR1,163 million,  up 26.1% as

reported compared with first-half 2022. This increase includes unfavorable currency effects (-2.0%) and a positive scope effect (+2.7%) mainly linked to the acquisition of Reward Gateway, consolidated since May 2023. On a like-for- like basis, total revenue was up 25.5%.
In the second quarter, total revenue climbed 25.5% as reported and 25.2% like- for-like, following on from the growth seen in the first quarter. The scope effect was positive over the period, adding 4.3% to revenue, while the currency effect was an unfavorable 4.0%.
  * Operating revenue: EUR1,081 million
Operating  revenue for the  first six months  of 2023 came to EUR1,081 million, up

21.3% as reported. This rise takes into account unfavorable currency effects (- 1.4%) and a positive scope effect (+2.7%) mainly linked to the acquisition of Reward Gateway. On a like-for-like basis, operating revenue grew by 20.0% versus
first-half 2022.
Second-quarter operating revenue totaled EUR562 million, up 20.9% as reported and
up 19.6% like-for-like. The strong sales momentum of previous quarters was confirmed across all business lines. It reflects both growth in revenues generated by existing clients and continued market penetration with new clients of all sizes, largely thanks to the enhanced attractiveness of Edenred's solutions amid reduced purchasing power, a talent war, and a drive for better control over fleet expenses.
* Operating revenue by business line
% change
(in EUR millions) First-half First-half % change (like-for- 2023 2022 (reported) like)
Benefits &
 Engagement                662           528           +25.5%         +22.8%
 Mobility                  282           252           +12.0%         +14.9%

Solutions 137 111 +22.5% +18.0%
Total 1,081 891 +21.3% +20.0%
The Benefits & Engagement business line, which accounted for 61% of the Group's business, generated EUR662 million in operating revenue in first-half 2023, representing like-for-like growth of 22.8% (+25.5% as reported), including a 22.7% like-for-like rise (+27.3% as reported) in the second quarter.
This strong growth was driven by the continued success of Edenred's digital Ticket Restaurant(®) offering, popular with both large corporate accounts and SMEs. In addition, with public authorities in many countries raising the statutory maximum face value of benefits since the beginning of 2022, companies are continuing to gradually increase the amounts granted to their employees to help protect their purchasing power. Further increases in maximum face values were decided by public authorities in first-half 2023, including in France, Portugal and the Czech Republic.
Performance was also boosted by the continued success of Beyond Food solutions. During the first half of the year, Edenred further expanded its range of employee engagement platforms thanks to the acquisitions of Reward Gateway and GOintegro(2). They strengthen Edenred's position in this market, both geographically (United Kingdom, Australia, United States and Latin America) and in terms of the range of services offered. Edenred's offering now covers a unified suite of modules ranging from employee discounts and rewards and recognition solutions to well-being and social event solutions.
The Group is also leveraging its digital platform to distribute third-party solutions, as illustrated by the partnership entered into in May 2023 with Stairwage, France's leading salary payment on demand solution.
The Mobility business line, which accounts for 26% of the Group's business, generated EUR282 million in operating revenue in first-half 2023, representing
like-for-like growth of 14.9% (+12.0% as reported), including a rise of 14.2% in
the second quarter on a like-for-like basis (+8.5% as reported).
This sustained performance reflects the commercial success of the Beyond Fuel offering for fleet managers in both Europe and Latin America, notably driven by maintenance and toll solutions. These innovative products, such as the fully digital UTA One Next(®) solution, simplify fleet management and improve profitability, winning over clients of all sizes. However, growth was held back by the decline in fuel prices at the pump to a level significantly lower than in
the second quarter of 2022, particularly in Brazil.
Complementary Solutions, which includes Corporate Payment Services, Incentive &
Rewards  and Public Social Programs, generated operating revenue of EUR137 million
in  first-half 2023, representing 13% of  the Group total.  In first-half 2023,

this business line was up 18.0% like-for-like (+22.5% as reported), of which 17.3% like-for-like in the second quarter (+20.0% as reported).
This business line's growth reflects the strong business momentum of Corporate Payment Services in North America, driven by new contract wins in segments such as property management, energy and golf clubs. Edenred Pay USA (formerly Edenred
CSI) also received a boost from the integration of IPS (acquired in October 2022), which has enhanced its offering of payments with invoice automation solutions.
Complementary Solutions' performance also reflects the success of the Group's innovative programs, such as insurance for involuntary job loss, which already has 270,000 users following its January 2023 launch within the C3Pay super-app in the United Arab Emirates.
* Operating revenue by region
  (in EUR millions)                                             % change
                      2023    2022   % change (reported)   (like-for-like)

  Europe               677    551          +22.9%              +21.2%
  Latin America        312    270          +15.0%              +14.7%
  Rest of the World    92      70          +33.1%              +30.5%

Total 1,081 891 +21.3% +20.0%
In Europe, operating revenue amounted to EUR677 million in first-half 2023, an
increase of 21.2% like-for-like and of 22.9% as reported. Second-quarter operating revenue rose by 21.9% like-for-like and by 25.7% as reported. Europe represented 63% of Group operating revenue.
In France, operating revenue amounted to EUR169 million in first-half 2023, representing an increase of 12.0% like-for-like and 12.8% as reported. In the second quarter, operating revenue growth was 10.5% like-for-like and 12.0% as reported. This performance reflects sustained growth in Benefits & Engagement solutions, thanks to the commercial success of the Ticket Restaurant(®) offer with large corporate accounts and SMEs. Beyond Food solutions also posted a robust performance, particularly the ProwebCE employee engagement platform.
Mobility solutions contributed to this performance, propelled by ongoing high demand, notably in the SME segment.
Operating revenue in Europe excluding France totaled EUR508 million in first-half
2023, up 24.7% like-for-like and up 26.7% as reported. Second-quarter operating revenue for the region rose by 26.0% like-for-like (+30.5% as reported), lifted in particular by the contribution of the United Kingdom's Reward Gateway following first-time consolidation. Benefits& Engagement enjoyed strong momentum
across the region, once again turning in a robust performance, boosted by the strong business traction of Ticket Restaurant(®) and the increase in amounts granted by clients to their employees amid rising maximum face values. Beyond Food solutions continued to enjoy solid growth in the second quarter.
The region's excellent performance also reflects the success of the Beyond Fuel strategy, driven in particular by the launch of the UTA One Next(®) single European toll box and growing demand for the tax refund services offered by Edenred EBV Finance to European transportation companies.
Operating  revenue in Latin America amounted to EUR312 million, up 14.7% like-for-
like  (+15.0%  as  reported),  with  a  13.6% like-for-like increase and a 9.3%

reported increase in the second quarter. The region represented 29% of Group operating revenue.
In Brazil, operating revenue increased by 8.1% like-for-like in first-half 2023, reflecting gains of 5.9% in the second quarter. This growth reflects very good business momentum in Benefits & Engagement, spurred by the growing contribution of the Itaú Unibanco partnership in the SME segment. In Mobility, the strong sales performance was mitigated by the sharp drop in fuel prices at the pump compared with the second quarter of 2022, when prices were at their highest for the year. Performance was propelled in particular by the success of the Beyond Fuel strategy, which continues to prove its worth quarter after quarter, thanks to maintenance and toll management solutions.
In Hispanic Latin America, operating revenue rose by 30.1% like-for-like in the first half, with a 31.9% increase in the second quarter. This solid performance reflects both Mobility's continued penetration of the SME segment in Argentina and Mexico, and the strong momentum enjoyed by Benefits & Engagement.
In the Rest of the World, operating revenue amounted to EUR92 million in first-
half 2023, up 30.5% like-for-like and up 33.1% as reported. The region represented 8% of Group operating revenue. This strong growth was driven notably
by the sustained business momentum of Edenred Pay USA's corporate payment solutions, as well as by the success of digital solutions offered in countries including the United Arab Emirates and Taiwan.
  * Other revenue: EUR82 million
Other  revenue represented EUR82  million in first-half  2023, a rise of 166.4% as

reported (+185.2% like-for-like). This first-half performance represents another
significant increase, reflecting the impact of business growth on the float(3) as well as favorable changes in interest rates in all regions where the Group operates. In the eurozone, the series of interest rate hikes that began in July 2022 continued into the first half of 2023, while interest rates in non-eurozone
European countries and in Latin America were higher than a year earlier.
  * EBITDA: EUR483 million
For  the  six  months  ended  June 30,  2023, EBITDA  came  in  at EUR483 million,

representing growth of 32.5% as reported and 35.2% like-for-like.
The EBITDA margin was 3.1 percentage points higher like-for-like, at a record first-half level of 41.5%. This performance demonstrates Edenred's ability to capitalize on the operating leverage of its platform business model, while maintaining a high level of investment in innovation and technology. EBITDA also
benefited from the contribution of other revenue, which was up sharply in the first half.
  * Net profit: EUR202 million
Net  profit, Group share amounted to  EUR202 million versus EUR170 million in first-

half 2022, an 18.8% increase primarily driven by growth in EBITDA.
Net profit takes into account other income and expenses for a net expense of EUR18
million (net expense of EUR9 million in first-half 2022), with the increase owing
mainly to the costs of acquiring Reward Gateway. It also includes a net financial expense of EUR58 million (net financial expense of EUR17 million in first-
half 2022), representing an additional EUR41 million as a result of the rise in
interest rates impacting the cost of debt, the financial expense linked to the debt raised to fund the acquisition of Reward Gateway, and the negative impact of hyperinflation in Argentina and Turkey. Lastly, net profit takes into account
an  income tax  expense of  EUR102 million (income  tax expense  of EUR84 million in
first-half  2022), and  non-controlling  interests  for  a  negative EUR17 million

(negative EUR16 million in first-half 2022).
* Strong cash flow generation
Edenred leveraged its strongly cash-generative business model to deliver record-
high funds from operations before other income and expenses (FFO) of EUR338 million in first-half 2023, up 12,9% as reported.
At June 30, 2023, Edenred had net debt of EUR1,851 million, versus EUR1,056 million
at end-June 2022. The increase in net debt comes as a result of the £1.15
billion(4) acquisition - the Group's largest ever - of Reward Gateway in May
2023, financed by a EUR1.2 billion two-tranche bond issue in June 2023, and by
EUR0.1 billion in available cash. It also reflects free cash flow generation of
EUR868 million over the twelve months ended June 30, 2023, EUR281 million returned
to shareholders, and a negative EUR3 million impact of currency effects and non-
recurring items.
* A solid financial position
Edenred enjoys a solid financial position with a high level of liquidity. In April 2023, Standard & Poor's raised the Group's rating to A- Strong Investment Grade with a stable outlook. This rating was confirmed following the acquisition
of Reward Gateway, announced in May 2023.
* Commitment to ESG and extra-financial performance
In the first half of 2023, Edenred further strengthened its commitment to social
and environmental responsibility by becoming an official supporter of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), joining 4,000 companies and organizations worldwide that have expressed their support for the TCFD's recommendations.
The Group's ESG policy has also been recognized by other external bodies. For example, Edenred is now included in Axylia's Vérité40 index, obtaining an A carbon score. This rating reflects Edenred's commitment to protecting the environment by reducing its carbon impact, with the aim of achieving net zero carbon by 2050 in line with SBTi targets(5), as well as supporting its clients in promoting a healthy, balanced diet and in their transition to sustainable mobility.
In line with the good performance recorded in the first half of the year, Edenred will continue to roll out its Beyond(22-25) strategy, fully leveraging its B2B2C digital platform model.
In particular, Edenred will capitalize on its strong business momentum to further develop its offering in still largely underpenetrated markets, notably in the SME segment. As the operating environment continues to be shaped by a talent war, reduced purchasing power and greater consideration among fleet managers of the risks and opportunities of the energy transition, the attractiveness of Edenred solutions will keep serving as a powerful growth driver.
In line with its objectives, Edenred will also work to further extend its offering beyond food, beyond fuel and beyond payment, as illustrated perfectly by the integration and international expansion of newly acquired employee engagement platforms Reward Gateway and GOintegro. In addition, by harnessing the flexibility of its platform model, the Group will seek to form new partnerships to broaden its offering, aggregating third-party products on its platform as well as having its own solutions distributed via indirect channels.
Lastly, by continuing to invest in its first-in-class technology assets, Edenred
intends to further enhance the user experience, notably by developing data- powered solutions and services.
By seizing all these opportunities, the Group will continue to generate sustainable and profitable growth. The Group expects to generate full-year EBITDA of between EUR1,020 million and EUR1,090 million in 2023, versus EUR836 million
in 2022.
  * Edenred accelerates the extension of its Benefits & Engagement solutions in
    the Employee Engagement arena by acquiring leading platform Reward Gateway

Edenred announced the acquisition of 100% of the share capital of Reward Gateway, a leading Employee Engagement platform with strong positions in the UK and in Australia, and also present in the United States. Reward Gateway offers a
unified suite of solutions ranging from employee savings, rewards & recognition to well-being and corporate social animation, empowering Human Resources departments to build the right combination of engagement tools.
By consolidating Reward Gateway's strong leading positions and extending its geographical scope in selected key countries, Edenred will accelerate the strengthening of its Employee Benefits value proposition in line with its status
of most trusted global Employee Benefits & Engagement platform.
* Edenred successfully issues EUR1.2 billion in dual-tranche bonds
Edenred announced the success of its dual-tranche bond issue for a total amount of EUR1.2 billion. The issue will be used to finance a significant part of the
£1.15 billion acquisition of Reward Gateway which was fully paid in cash by Edenred.
Placed with a diverse base of international institutional investors, the bond issue was approximately three times oversubscribed. The great success of this issue highlights the market's confidence in Edenred credit quality.
* Edenred joins the CAC 40
Edenred's inclusion in the CAC 40 index is recognition of the Group's stock market performance since its IPO on July 2, 2010. After radically disrupting its
business model, Edenred has today become the everyday platform for people at work, operating in 45 countries.
And because it reflects both the Group's market capitalization and share liquidity, inclusion in the CAC 40 index is also a testament to investors' confidence in the Beyond(22-25) strategic plan and the Group's prospects for generating sustainable and profitable growth.
  * Edenred joins the Euronext Tech Leaders initiative dedicatedto leading,
    high-growth tech companies

Joining Euronext Tech Leaders is recognition of Edenred's top-tier positioning, as 70% of its revenue is generated in markets where the Group is market leader. It also acknowledges the success and scale of Edenred's technology leadership,
with  investments of close to EUR2  billion in technology since 2016 (EUR385 million
in  2022), increasing the proportion of digital business volume to close to 95%

October 19, 2023: Third-quarter 2023 revenue
February 27, 2024: Full-year 2023 results
About Edenred
Edenred is a leading digital platform for services and payments and the everyday
companion for people at work, connecting 60 million users and 2 million partner merchants in 45 countries via close to 1 million corporate clients.
Edenred offers specific-purpose payment solutions for food (such as meal benefits), incentives (such as gift cards, employee engagement platforms), mobility (such as multi-energy, maintenance, toll, parking and commuter solutions) and corporate payments (such as virtual cards).
True to the Group's purpose, "Enrich connections. For good.", these solutions enhance users' well-being and purchasing power. They improve companies' attractiveness and efficiency, and vitalize the employment market and the local economy. They also foster access to healthier food, more environmentally friendly products and softer mobility.
Edenred's 12,000 employees are committed to making the world of work a connected
ecosystem that is safer, more efficient and more responsible every day.
In 2022, thanks to its global technology assets, the Group managed some EUR38
billion in business volume, primarily carried out via mobile applications, online platforms and cards.
Edenred is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange and included in the following indices: CAC 40, CAC 40 ESG, CAC Large 60, Euronext 100, Euronext Tech
Leaders, FTSE4Good and MSCI Europe.
The logos and other trademarks mentioned and featured in this press release are registered trademarks of Edenred S.E., its subsidiaries or third parties. They may not be used for commercial purposes without prior written consent from their
 Communications Department       Investor Relations
 Emmanuelle Châtelain            Cédric Appert
 +33 (0)1 86 67 24 36            +33 (0)1 86 67 24 99

emmanuelle.chatelain@edenred.co cedric.appert@edenred.com
                                 Baptiste Fournier
                                 +33 (0)1 86 67 20 73

Media Relations
Matthieu Santalucia
+33 (0)1 86 67 22 63
                     Glossary and list of references needed
              for a proper understanding of financial information
a)   Main terms
  * Like-for-like, impact of changes in the scope of consolidation, currency

Like-for-like or organic growth corresponds to comparable growth, i.e., growth at constant exchange rates and scope of consolidation. This indicator reflects the Group's business performance.
Changes in activity (like-for-like or organic growth) represent changes in amounts between the current period and the comparative period, adjusted for currency effects and for the impact of acquisitions and/or disposals.
The impact of acquisitions is eliminated from the amount reported for the current period. The impact of disposals is eliminated from the amount reported for the comparative period. The sum of these two amounts is known as the impact of changes in the scope of consolidation or the scope effect.
The calculation of changes in activity is translated at the exchange rate applicable in the comparative period and divided by the adjusted amount for the comparative period.
The currency effect is the difference between the amount for the reported period
translated at the exchange rate for the reported period and the amount for the reported period translated at the exchange rate applicable in the comparative period.
* Business volume:
Business volume comprises total issue volume of Benefits & Engagement solutions,
Incentive and Rewards, Public Social Program solutions and Corporate Payment Services, plus the transaction volume of Fleet & Mobility Solutions and other solutions.
* Issue volume:
Issue volume is the total face value of the funds preloaded on all of the payment solutions issued by Edenred to its corporate and public sector clients.
* Transaction volume:
Transaction volume represents the total value of the transactions paid for with payment instruments, at the time of the transaction.
b) Alternative performance measurement indicators included in the June
30, 2023 Interim Financial Report
The alternative performance measurement indicators outlined below are presented and reconciled with accounting data in the Annual Financial Report.
 Indicator                   Reference note in Edenred's 2023 condensed interim
                             consolidated financial statements

                             Operating revenue corresponds to:
                               * operating revenue generated by prepaid
 Operating revenue               vouchers managed by Edenred,
                               * and operating revenue from value-added
                                 services such as incentive programs, human
                                 services and event-related services.
                               * It corresponds to the amount billed to the
                                 client company and is recognized on delivery
                                 of the solutions.

                             Other revenue is interest generated by investing
                             cash over the period between:
 Other revenue                 * the issue date and the reimbursement date for
                               * and the loading date and the redeeming date
                                 for cards.
                             The interest represents a component of operating
                             revenue and as such is included in the
                             determination of total revenue.

 EBITDA                      This aggregate corresponds to total revenue
                             (operating revenue and other revenue) less
                             operating expenses.

                             This aggregate is the "Operating profit before
                             other income and expenses", which corresponds to
                             total revenue (operating revenue and other
                             revenue) less operating expenses, depreciation,
                             amortization (mainly intangible assets, internally
                             generated or acquired assets) and non-operating
                             provisions. It is used as the benchmark for
 EBIT                        determining senior management and other executive
                             compensation as it reflects the economic
                             performance of the business.
                             EBIT excludes the net profit from equity-accounted
                             companies and excludes the other income and
                             expenses booked in the "Operating profit including
                             share of net profit from equity-accounted

Other income and expenses See Note 10.1 of consolidated financial statements
Funds from operations (FFO) See consolidated statement of cash flows (Part
c) Alternative performance measurement indicators not included in the June
30, 2023 Interim Financial Report
 Indicator      Definitions and reconciliations with Edenred's 2023 condensed
                interim consolidated financial statements

Free cash flow corresponds to cash generated by operating
Free cash flow activities less investments in intangible assets and property,
plant and equipment.
Operating revenue
+---------------------+--------------------+ +--------------------+ | Q1 | Q2 | | H1 | +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
| In EUR | | | | | | | |
|millions | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 | | 2023 | 2022 | +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Europe | 324| 270| 353| 281| | 677| 551| | | | | | | | | | |France | 86| 76| 83| 74| | 169| 150| | | | | | | | | | |Rest of | | | | | | | | |Europe | 238| 194| 270| 207| | 508| 401| | | | | | | | | | |Latin | | | | | | | | |America | 150| 123| 162| 148| | 312| 270| | | | | | | | | | |Rest of the | | | | | | | | |world | 45| 33| 47| 36| | 92| 70| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
|Total | 519| 426| 562| 465| | 1,081| 891| +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
+---------------------+--------------------+ +--------------------+ | Q1 | Q2 | | H1 | +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |In % | Change | Change | Change | Change | | Change | Change | | | reported | L/L | reported | L/L | | reported | L/L | +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Europe | +20.1%| +20.5%| +25.7%| +21.9%| | +22.9%| +21.2%| | | | | | | | | | |France | +13.5%| +13.5%| +12.0%| +10.5%| | +12.8%| +12.0%| | | | | | | | | | |Rest of | | | | | | | | |Europe | +22.7%| +23.3%| +30.5%| +26.0%| | +26.7%| +24.7%| | | | | | | | | | |Latin | | | | | | | | |America | +21.9%| +16.0%| +9.3%| +13.6%| | +15.0%| +14.7%| | | | | | | | | | |Rest of the | | | | | | | | |world | +35.5%| +35.5%| +30.8%| +26.0%| | +33.1%| +30.5%| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
|Total | +21.8%| +20.4%| +20.9%| +19.6%| | +21.3%| +20.0%| +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
Other revenue
+----------------------+-------------------+ +--------------------+ | Q1 | Q2 | | H1 | +------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------+ +----------+---------+
| In EUR | | | | | | | |
|millions | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 | | 2023 | 2022 | +------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------+ +----------+---------+
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Europe | 22| 5| 27| 6| | 49| 11| | | | | | | | | | |France | 4| 2| 5| 1| | 9| 3| | | | | | | | | | |Rest of | | | | | | | | |Europe | 19| 3| 21| 5| | 40| 8| | | | | | | | | | |Latin | | | | | | | | |America | 12| 7| 12| 10| | 24| 17| | | | | | | | | | |Rest of the | | | | | | | | |world | 4| 1| 5| 2| | 9| 3| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------+ +----------+---------+
|Total | 38| 13| 44| 18| | 82| 31| +------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------+ +----------+---------+
+----------------------+-------------------+ +--------------------+ | Q1 | Q2 | | H1 | +------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------+ +----------+---------+
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |In % | Change | | Change | Change | | Change | Change | | | reported |Change L/L| reported | L/L | | reported | L/L | +------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------+ +----------+---------+
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Europe | +382.7%| +390.2%| +319.8%| +321.2%| | +346.5%| +350.5%| | | | | | | | | | |France | +156.2%| +156.2%| +242.7%| +242.7%| | +198.4%| +198.4%| | | | | | | | | | |Rest of | | | | | | | | |Europe | +487.6%| +498.7%| +341.9%| +343.7%| | +399.3%| +404.7%| | | | | | | | | | |Latin | | | | | | | | |America | +55.0%| +55.0%| +30.6%| +49.4%| | +41.2%| +51.8%| | | | | | | | | | |Rest of the | | | | | | | | |world | +279.3%| +356.3%| +199.9%| +377.2%| | +233.4%| +368.4%| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------+ +----------+---------+
|Total | +189.3%| +198.4%| +149.2%| +175.2%| | +166.4%| +185.2%| +------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------+ +----------+---------+
Total revenue
+---------------------+--------------------+ +--------------------+ | Q1 | Q2 | | H1 | +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
| In EUR | | | | | | | |
|millions | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 | | 2023 | 2022 | +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Europe | 346| 275| 380| 287| | 726| 562| | | | | | | | | | |France | 90| 78| 88| 75| | 178| 153| | | | | | | | | | |Rest of | | | | | | | | |Europe | 256| 197| 292| 212| | 548| 409| | | | | | | | | | |Latin | | | | | | | | |America | 161| 130| 175| 158| | 336| 287| | | | | | | | | | |Rest of the | | | | | | | | |world | 49| 34| 52| 38| | 101| 73| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
|Total | 557| 439| 606| 482| | 1,163| 922| +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
+---------------------+--------------------+ +--------------------+ | Q1 | Q2 | | H1 | +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |In % | Change | Change | Change | Change | | Change | Change | | | reported | L/L | reported | L/L | | reported | L/L | +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Europe | +26.2%| +26.8%| +32.2%| +28.5%| | +29.3%| +27.7%| | | | | | | | | | |France | +16.2%| +16.2%| +16.4%| +14.8%| | +16.3%| +15.5%| | | | | | | | | | |Rest of | | | | | | | | |Europe | +30.2%| +31.0%| +37.7%| +33.3%| | +34.1%| +32.2%| | | | | | | | | | |Latin | | | | | | | | |America | +23.8%| +18.2%| +10.6%| +15.8%| | +16.6%| +16.9%| | | | | | | | | | |Rest of the | | | | | | | | |world | +43.3%| +45.7%| +37.5%| +40.0%| | +40.3%| +42.7%| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
|Total | +26.8%| +25.7%| +25.5%| +25.2%| | +26.1%| +25.5%| +------------+-----------+---------+-----------+--------+ +-----------+--------+
                                 EBITDA et EBIT
+-------------------+---------+---------+   +-----------------+------------+
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
| In EUR millions     |         |         |   |                 |            |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
|                   | H1 2023 | H1 2022 |   | Change reported | Change L/L |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
+-------------------+---------+---------+   +-----------------+------------+
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
| Europe            |     332 |     242 |   |          +37.2% |     +36.5% |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
| France            |      64 |      55 |   |          +15.6% |     +15.3% |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
| Rest of Europe    |     268 |     187 |   |          +43.6% |     +42.8% |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
| Latin America     |     130 |     120 |   |           +8.8% |     +11.6% |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
| Rest of the world |      23 |      18 |   |          +29.9% |     +68.8% |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
| Others            |     (2) |    (15) |   |          +79.2% |     +86.4% |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |+-------------------+---------+---------+   +-----------------+------------+
| EBITDA            |     483 |     365 |   |          +32.5% |     +35.2% |
+-------------------+---------+---------+   +-----------------+------------+
+-------------------+---------+---------+   +-----------------+------------+
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
| In EUR millions     |         |         |   |                 |            |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
|                   | H1 2023 | H1 2022 |   | Change reported | Change L/L |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
+-------------------+---------+---------+   +-----------------+------------+
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
| Europe            |     288 |     205 |   |          +40.6% |     +41.3% |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
| France            |      52 |      44 |   |          +17.9% |     +17.6% |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
| Rest of Europe    |     236 |     161 |   |          +46.7% |     +47.8% |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
| Latin America     |     104 |      99 |   |           +4.0% |      +8.5% |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
| Rest of the world |      15 |      11 |   |          +45.7% |    +121.6% |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
| Others            |     (8) |    (20) |   |          +60.8% |     +66.5% |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
|                   |         |         |   |                 |            |
+-------------------+---------+---------+   +-----------------+------------+
| EBIT              |     399 |     295 |   |          +35.2% |     +40.3% |
+-------------------+---------+---------+   +-----------------+------------+
                            Summarized balance sheet

+---------------------+----------------+ +----------------------+----------------+
|In EUR                 |                | |In EUR millions         |                |
|millions       June  |Dec.31,   June  | |                June  |Dec.31,   June  |
|             30, 2023| 2022   30, 2022| |              30, 2023| 2022   30, 2022|
|   ASSETS            |                | | LIABILITIES          |                |

+---------------------+----------------+ +----------------------+----------------+
|Goodwill      2,948  | 1,605   1,608  | |Total equity   (548)  | (613)   (806)  |
|                     |                | |                      |                |
|Intangible           |                | |                      |                |
|assets         973   |  738     728   | |                      |                |
|                     |                | |                      |                |
|Property.            |                | |Gross debt            |                |
|plant &              |                | |and other             |                |
|equipment            |                | |financial             |                |
|               167   |  157     155   | |liabilities    4,587  | 3,341   3,706  |
|                     |                | |                      |                |
|Investments          |                | |Provisions            |                |
|in                   |                | |and deferred          |                |
|associates      63   |  67       59   | |tax             223   |  168     181   |
|                     |                | |                      |                |
|Non-current          |                | |                      |                |
|derivative           |                | |                      |                |
|instruments     8    |   4            | |                      |                |
|                     |                | |                      |                |
|Other non-           |                | |                      |                |
|current              |                | |                      |                |
|assets         162   |  160           | |                      |                |
|                     |                | |                      |                |
|Float (Trade         |                | |Vouchers in           |                |
|receivables.         |                | |circulation           |                |
|net)          1,356  | 1,562   1,397  | |(Float)        5,732  | 5,840   5,184  |
|                     |                | |                      |                |
|Working              |                | |Working               |                |
|capital              |                | |capital excl.         |                |
|excl. float          |                | |float                 |                |
|(assets)      1,980  | 1,731   1,711  | |(liabilities)  2,574  | 2,438   2,235  |
|                     |                | |                      |                |
|Restricted           |                | |                      |                |
|cash          2,273  | 2,120   2,011  | |                      |                |
|                     |                | |                      |                |
|Cash & cash          |                | |                      |                |
|equivalents   2,728  | 3,030   2,650  | |                      |                |

+---------------------+----------------+ +----------------------+----------------+
|TOTAL ASSETS 12,568 |11,174 10,500 | |TOTAL PASSIF 12,568 |11,174 10,500 |
+---------------------+----------------+ +----------------------+----------------+
                                         |                June   Dec.31,   June  |
                                         |              30, 2023  2022   30, 2022|
                                         |Total working                          |
                                         |capital        5,060    4,985   4,311  |
                                         |     Of which                          |
                                         |       float:  4,376    4,278   3,787  |
                From net profit. Group share to Free cash flows

|In EUR millions June 2023 June 2022|
|Net profit attributable to owners of the parent 202 170| | | |Non-controlling interests 17 16| | | |Dividends received from equity-accounted companies 3 10| | | |Difference between income tax paid and income tax expense 6 10| | | |Non-cash impact from other income and expenses 110 93| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|= Funds from operations before other income and expenses | |(FFO) 338 299| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|Decrease (Increase) in working capital (120) (628)| | | |Recurring decrease (Increase) in restricted cash (128) 419| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|= Net cash from (used in) operating activities 90 90| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|Recurring capital expenditure (79) (66)| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|= Free cash flows (FCF) 11 24| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(1) Application Programming Interface
(2) Reward Gateway has been consolidated in Edenred's financial statements since
May 2023 and GOintegro since late June 2023
(3) The float corresponds to a portion of the operating working capital from the
preloading of funds by corporate clients.
(4) Approximately EUR1.3 billion.
(5) Science Based Targets initiative, on scopes 1, 2 and 3A.
Name WKN Börse Kurs Datum/Zeit Diff. Diff. % Geld Brief Erster Schluss
EDENRED EO 2 A1C0JG Frankfurt 40,030 11.07.24 08:20:01 +0,100 +0,25% 0,000 0,000 40,030 39,930

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