31.05.2024 23:41:10 - dpa-AFX: EQS-News: CPI PROPERTY GROUP publishes financial results for the first quarter of 2024 (english)

CPI PROPERTY GROUP publishes financial results for the first quarter of 2024

EQS-News: CPI PROPERTY GROUP / Key word(s): Quarter Results/Real Estate
CPI PROPERTY GROUP publishes financial results for the first quarter of 2024

31.05.2024 / 23:40 CET/CEST
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


CPI Property Group
(société anonyme)
40, rue de la Vallée
L-2661 Luxembourg
R.C.S. Luxembourg: B 102 254

Press Release - Corporate News

Luxembourg, 31 May 2024

CPI PROPERTY GROUP publishes financial results for the first quarter of 2024

CPI PROPERTY GROUP ('CPIPG' or the 'Group'), a leading European landlord,
hereby publishes unaudited financial results for the three-month period
ending 31 March 2024.

'CPIPG's like-for-like rents continued to grow at healthy rates through a
combination of positive rent reversion and indexation,' said David
Greenbaum, CEO. 'Leverage, both value and earnings-based, declined during
the first quarter and is on track to decline further as we progress on

Highlights for the first quarter of 2024 include:

* Total assets were EUR21.5 billion, and EPRA NRV (NAV) was EUR7.0 billion.

  * CPIPG's property portfolio was EUR19.2 billion (versus EUR19.5 billion at
    year-end 2023), reflecting completed disposals and negative FX and
    valuation movements, partially offset by CapEx investments.

* The Group has closed more than EUR600 million of disposals year-to-date
(EUR340 million in Q1 2024). In addition, more than EUR600 million of signed disposals are expected to close in the coming months.

  * Despite disposals, net rental income increased by almost 6% to EUR208
    million, supported by a strong rental income growth of 5.5% on a
    like-for-like basis. Net business income rose to EUR221 million.

  * Hotels had an excellent start to the new year with a net income of EUR5
    million, an increase of 12% compared to Q1 2023.

  * Consolidated adjusted EBITDA was EUR199 million; FFO1 increased to EUR111

* Occupancy remained solid at 91.4% with a stable WAULT of 3.5 years.

  * Net Loan-to-Value (LTV) decreased to 51.9%, down 0.4 p.p. from year-end
    2023. Net LTV is 49.7% pro forma only for disposals closed
    post-reporting date or to be closed in the coming months.

* Net debt was reduced by more than EUR250 million versus year-end.

* Net debt/EBITDA declined by 0.6x to 12.5x on an annualised basis.

  * Total available liquidity was EUR1.3 billion at the end of Q1 2024. Net
    proceeds from disposals signed post-Q1 plus disposals signed and due to
    close soon will contribute EUR600 million to the Group's liquidity,
    complemented by new financings and possible minority equity

  * The average weighted debt maturity (4.6 years) and average cost of debt
    (3.12%) were unchanged from year-end.

* Unencumbered assets stood at 47%, and Net ICR was 2.5x.

Hot Topics for Our Investors

While CPIPG understands the keen investor interest in some of the topics
below, we look forward to refocusing the discussion onto our diversified,
well-positioned, well-managed property portfolio as soon as possible.

Credit Ratings and Capital Structure

Today, S&P Global Ratings unexpectedly downgraded CPIPG from BBB- to BB+
with a negative outlook (please see our press release published earlier
today, 'Comments on Recent Events').

Based on our business plan, the Group expects to remain within S&P's rating
thresholds for both a BBB- and BB+ rating with S&P adjusted debt to debt
plus equity below 60%, an EBITDA interest coverage of above 1.8x, and a debt
to annualised EBITDA below 14x-15x in 2024 and 13x-14x in 2025. Hence, the
Group will target stabilising our outlook and eventually regaining our
investment grade rating with S&P.

The additional five years of equity credit assigned by S&P to our perpetual
notes as part of the rating change is a development CPIPG did not
anticipate, as the Group always believed CPIPG could remain investment
grade. Prior to the downgrade, CPIPG had been vocal about the fact that we
value our hybrid bondholders, that we know many of our hybrid bondholders
also own our senior unsecured bonds, and that we place a high value on
market access and our reputation.

The Group will reevaluate our liability management options in the coming
weeks and months and looks forward to deploying our liquidity to optimise
our maturity profile and interest expense.

Liquidity and disposals

CPIPG has EUR184 million of debt maturities for the remainder of 2024, and
EUR401 million in 2025. Nearly all the debt relates to secured bank loans.
Because of the quality of CPIPG's assets, the Group is confident that
secured lenders in our local markets will continue to be interested both in
rolling over and new financing.

CPIPG has a EUR700 million revolving credit facility (RCF) with a large
syndicate of banks maturing in January 2026. As the Group has prioritised
repaying our bridge financing (now fully extinguished), and because of
delayed regulatory approvals for certain disposals, the RCF was drawn. The
current RCF balance is EUR460 million. CPIPG intends to repay and/or refinance
the RCF before the end of 2024.

Since the end of Q1, the Group received about EUR150 million in net cash
proceeds from disposals. EUR449 million in additional net proceeds are
expected in Q2 / Q3 from disposals signed but not yet closed. The Group's
disposal pipeline under discussion still exceeds EUR2 billion.

In total, the Group is currently in discussions with secured lenders for
EUR267 million of fresh financing. While CPIPG prefers senior unsecured
financing, for the moment secured financing has a lesser impact on our ICR.
CPIPG sees ample opportunity to increase the scope of the Group's secured
borrowing, if necessary, but also prefers to minimise structural
subordination for our bondholders wherever possible.

As announced or commented previously, CPIPG is currently engaged in
discussions with several highly respected international investors for up to
EUR800 million of minority equity investments in Poland, Germany, and Italy.
CPIPG sees benefits in the liquidity and flexible capital offered through
these transactions but acknowledges drawbacks in terms of cost and
complexity. Therefore, the Group seeks the right balance in terms of number
and quantum. More details and decisions on these transactions should be
expected in the coming months.

CPIPG Liquidity Analysis

The table below demonstrates CPIPG's ample liquidity coverage of near-term
maturities. Minority equity or new financing discussions would increase the
level of available liquidity.

  Amounts in     Liquidity    Disposals      Disposals    Active         Total
  EURmm            at Q1 '24    post-Q1        signed       financing
                              (net)          (net)        discussions
  CPIPG (Group)  1,302        150            449          267            2,168
  Liquidity      2.2x                                                    3.7x
  coverage (Q2

Distributions and Shareholder Loans

As part of our ongoing deleveraging efforts, CPIPG will sharply reduce
distributions relative to our target of 65% of FFO, just as we did in 2022
and 2023. As stated previously, the Group intends to distribute to our
shareholders only via share buybacks going forward, with final decisions on
distributions made in Q4 each year.

The Group's past practice of providing shareholder loans will be eliminated.
More details on shareholder loans and related party transactions (policy,
approach, and governance) can be expected from the Group over the summer, as
announced on 24 May.

Selected actions occurring post-Q1

On 28 April, the Group signed a commitment agreement with Sona Asset
Management regarding a proposed equity investment of EUR250 million in Poland.

On 2 May, the Group completed the sale of Crans-Montana Ski Resort for more
than CHF 100 million.

On 6 May, IMMOFINANZ completed the sale of City Tower Vienna for more than
EUR150 million.

On 7 May, CPIPG completed a successful EUR500 million green bond transaction,
and fully repaid the remaining EUR460 million of bridge loans. With that,
CPIPG successfully completed the repayment of around EUR2.7 billion in
acquisition financings for IMMOFINANZ and S IMMO.

On 24 May, IMMOFINANZ commenced preparations for a squeeze-out of S IMMO,
which would contribute significantly to simplification of the Group's
structure and improve costs/EBITDA going forward.

On 29 May, S IMMO announced the disposal of several commercial and
residential assets across German cities for a total transaction volume of
EUR255 million.


  Performance                                  Q1-2024     Q1-2023       Change
  Total revenues                       EUR       412         410           0.5%
  Gross rental income (GRI)            EUR       237         229           3.5%
  Net rental income (NRI)              EUR       208         197           5.6%

Net hotel income EUR 5 5 12.4%
  Net business income (NBI)            EUR       221         213           3.9%

  Consolidated adjusted EBITDA         EUR       199         198           0.6%
  Funds from operations (FFO)          EUR       111         108           2.6%

Net profit for the period EUR 41 53 (23.1
                                       mil-                              %)

  Assets                                       31-Mar-20-  31-Dec-20-    Change
                                               24          23

Total assets EUR 21,465 21,930 (2.1%)

Property portfolio EUR 19,183 19,531 (1.8%)
  Gross leasable area                  sqm     6,406,000   6,462,000     (0.9%)
  Occupancy                            %       91.4        92.1          (0.7
  Like-for-like gross rental growth*   %       5.5         7.9           (2.4

  Total number of properties**         No.     685         711           (3.7%)
  Total number of residential units    No.     13,594      13,630        (0.3%)

Total number of hotel rooms*** No. 6,412 8,019 (20.0%)
  * Based on gross headline rent **
  Excluding residential properties in
  the Czech Republic *** Including
  hotels operated, but not owned by
  the Group

  Financing structure                          31-Mar-20-  31-Dec-20-    Change
                                               24          23

Total equity EUR 8,231 8,257 (0.3%)

EPRA NRV (NAV) EUR 6,964 7,033 (1.0%)

Net debt EUR 9,965 10,220 (2.5%)
  Net Loan-to-value ratio (Net LTV)    %       51.9        52.3          (0.4
  Net debt/EBITDA                      x       12.5x       13.1x         (0.6x)
  Secured consolidated leverage        %       24.0        24.0          --
  Secured debt to total debt           %       47.1        46.5          0.6
  Unencumbered assets to total assets  %       47.1        47.8          (0.7
  Unencumbered assets to unsecured     %       176%        174%          2.0
  debt                                                                   p.p.
  Net interest coverage (Net ICR)      x       2.5x        2.5x          --


                                              period ended
     (EUR million)                              31 March 2024    31 March
     Gross rental income                      237.2            229.2
     Service charge and other income          105.9            116.4
     Cost of service and other charges        (96.6)           (104.2)
     Property operating expenses              (38.2)           (44.2)
     Net rental income                        208.3            197.2
     Development sales                        8.4              -
     Development operating expenses           (8.4)            -
     Net development income                   -                -
     Hotel revenue                            32.5             37.5
     Hotel operating expenses                 (27.1)           (32.7)
     Net hotel income Revenues from other     5.4              4.8
     business operations
     Other business revenue                   28.2             27.0
     Other business operating expenses        (20.6)           (16.0)
     Net other business income                7.6              11.0
     Total revenues                           412.2            410.1
     Total direct business operating          (190.9)          (197.1)
     Net business income                      221.3            213.0
     Net valuation loss                       (22.6)           (6.6)
     Net loss on disposal of investment       (4.2)            (1.7)
     property and subsidiaries
     Amortization, depreciation and           (16.1)           (17.8)
     Administrative expenses                  (32.6)           (26.6)
     Other operating income                   5.5              3.5
     Other operating expenses                 (4.5)            (3.8)
     Operating result                         146.8            160.0
     Interest income                          10.1             6.0
     Interest expense                         (89.9)           (75.4)
     Other net financial result               (21.4)           (30.2)
     Net finance costs                        (101.2)          (99.6)
     Share of gain of equity-accounted        5.5              8.2
     investees (net of tax)
     Profit before income tax                 51.1             68.7
     Income tax expense                       (10.3)           (15.7)
     Net profit from continuing operations    40.8             53.0

* The presented financial statements do not represent a full set of interim
financial statements as if prepared in accordance with IAS 34

Gross rental income

Gross rental income increased by EUR8.0 million (3.5%) to EUR237.2 million in Q1
2024 compared to Q1 2023. The increase was primarily driven by rent

Property operating expenses

Property operating costs decreased by EUR6.0 million in Q1 2024 compared to Q1
2023, primarily due to lower repairs, maintenance, and personnel costs.

Administrative expenses

Administrative expenses increased by EUR6.0 million in Q1 2024 compared to Q1
2023, primarily due to an increase in admin payroll costs and overall
advisory costs.

Net valuation loss

Net valuation loss of EUR22.6 million in Q1 2024, represented primarily by
revaluation loss generated by S IMMO.

Interest expense

Interest expense increased by EUR14.5 million in Q1 2024 compared to Q1 2023,
mainly due to an overall increase in the cost of financing. IMMOFINANZ and S
IMMO interest expense increased by EUR6.8 million and EUR9.4 million,


     (EUR million)                              31 March    31 December
                                              2024        2023
     Intangible assets and goodwill           81.6        129.8
     Investment property                      16,980.6    17,262.6
     Property, plant and equipment            631.0       866.5
     Deferred tax assets                      117.2       118.2
     Equity accounted investees               804.9       717.2
     Other non-current assets                 591.8       452.0
     Total non-current assets                 19,207.1    19,546.3
     Inventories                              69.8        73.5
     Trade receivables                        239.5       227.8
     Cash and cash equivalents                920.2       1,022.6
     Assets linked to assets held for sale    699.4       722.7
     Other current assets                     329.3       337.3
     Total current assets                     2,258.2     2,383.9
     TOTAL ASSETS                             21,465.3    21,930.3
     Equity attributable to owners of the     5,511.2     5,567.6
     Perpetual notes                          1,600.9     1,585.1
     Non-controlling interests                1,119.0     1,104.5
     Total equity                             8,231.1     8,257.2
     Bonds issued                             4,287.6     4,274.1
     Financial debts                          5,787.9     6,325.7
     Deferred tax liabilities                 1,495.7     1,547.7
     Other non-current liabilities            207.0       223.7
     Total non-current liabilities            11,778.2    12,371.2
     Bonds issued                             43.8        209.2
     Financial debts                          748.5       412.2
     Trade payables                           177.4       218.3
     Other current liabilities                486.3       462.1
     Total current liabilities                1,456.0     1,301.8
     TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES             21,465.3    21,930.2

* The presented financial statements do not represent a full set of interim
financial statements as if prepared in accordance with IAS 34

Total assets

Total assets decreased by EUR465.0 million (2.1%) to EUR21,465.3 million as at
31 March 2024 compared to 31 December 2023. The decrease relates primarily
to disposals of investment property (EUR133.4 million), negative foreign
retranslation effect on investment property (EUR104.0 million) and decrease of
property, plant and equipment (EUR235.0 million), related to the sale of
hotels portfolio to the newly established joint venture.

Total liabilities

Total liabilities decreased by EUR438.8 million (3.2%) to EUR13,234.2 million as
at 31 March 2024 compared to 31 December 2023, primarily due to a decrease
in financial debts (EUR201.5 million) and bonds issued (EUR151.9 million).

Equity and EPRA NRV

Total equity decreased by EUR26.1 million from EUR8,257.2 million as at 31
December 2023 to EUR8,231.1 million as at 31 March 2024. The movements of
equity components were as follows:

  * Increase due to the profit for the period of EUR40.8 million (profit to
    the owners of EUR7.6 million);

  * Increase in retained earnings due to sale of hotel portfolio to newly
    established joint venture (EUR23.8 million);

  * Decrease in translation, revaluation and hedging reserve of EUR87.6

* Net interests to perpetual notes holders of EUR15.7 million;

* Increase of NCI in the period of EUR14.4 million.

EPRA NRV was EUR6,964 million as at 31 March 2024, representing a decrease of
1.0% compared to 31 December 2023. The decrease of EPRA NRV was driven by
the above changes in the Group's equity attributable to the owners (increase
of retained earnings and decrease of translation, revaluation and hedging

                                             31 March    31 December
                                             2024        2023
     Equity attributable to the owners       5,511       5,568
     Diluted NAV                             5,511       5,568
     Fair value of financial instruments     (101)       (93)
     Deferred tax on revaluations            1,596       1,601
     Goodwill as a result of deferred tax    (43)        (43)
     EPRA NRV (EUR million)                    6,964       7,033


   Alter-    Definition                   Rationale
   Conso-    Net business income as       This is an important economic
   lidat-    reported deducting           indicator showing a business's
   ed        administrative expenses      operating efficiency comparable
   adjus-    as reported.                 to other companies, as it is
   ted                                    unrelated to the Group's
   EBITD-                                 depreciation and amortisation
   A                                      policy and capital structure or
                                          tax treatment. It is one of the
                                          fundamental indicators used by
                                          companies to set their key
                                          financial and strategic
   Conso-    Consolidated adjusted
   lidat-    total assets is total
   ed        assets as reported
   adjus-    deducting intangible
   ted       assets and goodwill as
   total     reported.
   EPRA      EPRA NRV assumes that        Makes adjustments to IFRS NAV to
   Net       entities never sell          provide stakeholders with the
   Reins-    assets and aims to           most relevant information on the
   tatem-    represent the value          fair value of the assets and
   ent       required to rebuild the      liabilities within a true real
   Value     entity.                      estate investment company with a
   (NRV)                                  long-term investment strategy.
   Funds     It is calculated as net      Funds from operations provide an
   from      profit for the period        indication of core recurring
   opera-    adjusted by non-cash         earnings.
   tions     revenues/expenses (like
   or        deferred tax, net
   FFO       valuation gain/loss,
             n, goodwill etc.) and
             non-recurring (both cash
             and non-cash) items.
             Calculation also
             excludes accounting
             adjustments for
             partnerships and joint
   Net       It is calculated as Net      A measure of a company's ability
   debt/-    debt divided by              to pay its debt. This ratio
   EBITD-    Consolidated adjusted        measures the amount of income
   A         EBITDA.                      generated and available to pay
                                          down debt before covering
                                          interest, taxes, depreciation and
                                          amortisation expenses.
   Net       It is calculated as          This measure is an important
   ICR       Consolidated adjusted        indicator of a firm´s ability to
             EBITDA divided by a sum      pay interest and other fixed
             of interest income as        charges from its operating
             reported and interest        performance, measured by EBITDA.
             expense as reported.
   Net       It is calculated as Net      Loan-to-value provides a general
   Loan--    debt divided by fair         assessment of financing risk
   to-Va-    value of Property            undertaken.
   lue       Portfolio.
   Secur-    Secured consolidated         This measure is an important
   ed        leverage ratio is a          indicator of a firm´s financial
   conso-    ratio of a sum of            flexibility and liquidity. Lower
   lidat-    secured financial debts      levels of secured debt typically
   ed        and secured bonds to         also means lower levels of
   lever-    Consolidated adjusted        mortgage debt - properties that
   age       total assets.                are free and clear of mortgages
   ratio                                  are sources of alternative
                                          liquidity via the issuance of
                                          property-specific mortgage debt,
                                          or even sales.
   Secur-    It is calculated as a        This measure is an important
   ed        sum of secured bonds and     indicator of a firm´s financial
   debt      secured financial debts      flexibility and liquidity. Lower
   to        as reported divided by a     levels of secured debt typically
   total     sum of bonds issued and      also means lower levels of
   debt      financial debts as           mortgage debt - properties that
             reported.                    are free and clear of mortgages
                                          are sources of alternative
                                          liquidity via the issuance of
                                          property-specific mortgage debt,
                                          or even sales.
   Unenc-    It is calculated as          This measure is an important
   umber-    total assets as reported     indicator of a commercial real
   ed        less a sum of encumbered     estate firm´s liquidity and
   asset-    assets as reported           flexibility. Properties that are
   s to      divided by total assets      free and clear of mortgages are
   total     as reported.                 sources of alternative liquidity
   asset-                                 via the issuance of
   s                                      property-specific mortgage debt,
                                          or even sales. The larger the
                                          ratio of unencumbered assets to
                                          total assets, the more
                                          flexibility a company generally
                                          has in repaying its unsecured
                                          debt at maturity, and the more
                                          likely that a higher recovery can
                                          be realized in the event of
   Unenc-    It is calculated as          This measure is an additional
   umber-    unencumbered assets as       indicator of a commercial real
   ed        reported divided by a        estate firm's liquidity and
   asset-    sum of unsecured bonds       financial flexibility.
   s to      and unsecured financial
   unsec-    debts as reported.
   Non-financ-    Definition
   Company        CPI Property Group S.A.
   Property       The sum of value of Property Portfolio owned by the Group
   value or
   PP value
   Gross          Gross leasable area is the amount of floor space
   Leasable       available to be rented. Gross leasable area is the area
   Area or        for which tenants pay rent, and thus the area that
   GLA            produces income for the property owner.
   Group          CPI Property Group S.A. together with its subsidiaries
   Net debt       Net debt is borrowings plus bank overdraft less cash and
                  cash equivalents.
   Occupancy      Occupancy is a ratio of estimated rental revenue
                  regarding occupied GLA and total estimated rental
                  revenue, unless stated otherwise.
   Property       Property Portfolio covers all properties and investees
   Portfolio      held by the Group, independent of the balance sheet
                  classification, from which the Group incurs rental or
                  other operating income.


   EPRA NRV reconciliation (EUR million)                    31-Ma-    31-De-
                                                          r-24      c-23
   Equity attributable to owners of the company           5,511     5,568
   Effect of exercise of options, convertibles and        0         0
   other equity interests
   Diluted NAV, after the exercise of options,            5,511     5,568
   convertibles and other equity interests
   Revaluation of trading property and property, plant    0         0
   and equipment
   Fair value of financial instruments                    (101)     (93)
   Deferred tax on revaluation                            1,596     1,601
   Goodwill as a result of deferred tax                   (43)      (43)
   EPRA NRV                                               6,964     7,033Net LTV reconciliation (EUR million)         31-Mar-24    31-Dec-23
     Financial debts                            6,536        6,738
     Bonds issued                               4,331        4,483
     Net debt linked to assets held for sale    17           22
     Cash and cash equivalents                  (920)        (1,023)
     Net debt                                   9,965        10,220
     Total property portfolio                   19,183       19,531
     Net LTV                                    51.9%        52.3%
     Net Interest coverage ratio reconciliation (EUR    Q1-202-    FY
     million)                                         4          2023
     Interest income                                  10         39
     Interest expense                                 (90)       (348)
     Consolidated adjusted EBITDA                     199        778
     Net Interest coverage ratio                      2.5x       2.5x
   Secured debt to total debt reconciliation (EUR    31-Mar-2-    31-Dec-2-
   million)                                        4            3
   Secured bonds                                   0            0
   Secured financial debts                         5,128        5,232
   Total debts                                     10,888       11,257
   Secured debt to total debt                      47.1%        46.5%
     Unencumbered assets to total assets    31-Mar--    31-Dec--
     reconciliation (EUR million)             24          23
     Bonds collateral                       0           0
     Bank loans collateral                  11,349      11,440
     Total assets                           21,465      21,930
     Unencumbered assets ratio              47.1%       47.8%
   Consolidated adjusted EBITDA reconciliation (EUR    Q1-202-    Q1-202-
   million)*                                         4          3
   Net business income                               221        213
   Administrative expenses                           (33)       (27)
   Other effects                                     10         11
   Consolidated adjusted EBITDA                      199        198
   Funds from operations (FFO) reconciliation (EUR          Q1-20-    Q1-20-
   million)*                                              24        23
   Net profit/(loss) for the period                       41        53
   Deferred income tax                                    (3)       20
   Net valuation gain or loss on investment property      (23)      (7)
   Net valuation gain or loss on revaluation of           14        (30)
   Net gain or loss on disposal of investment property    (4)       (2)
   and subsidiaries
   Net gain or loss on disposal of PPE/other assets       (1)       0
   Amortization, depreciation and impairments             (16)      (18)
   Other non-cash items                                   (38)      (1)
   GW/Bargain purchase                                    0         0
   Other non-recurring items                              0         (24)
   Share on profit of equity accounted investees/JV       5         8
   Other effects                                          5         3
   Funds from operations                                  111       108
     Secured consolidated leverage ratio    31-Mar--    31-Dec--
     reconciliation (EUR million)             24          23
     Secured bonds                          0           0
     Secured financial debts                5,128       5,232
     Consolidated adjusted total assets     21,384      21,800
     Secured consolidated leverage ratio    24.0%       24.0%
     Unencumbered assets to unsecured debt    31-Mar--    31-Dec--
     reconciliation (EUR million)               24          23
     Total assets                             21,465      21,930
     Bonds collateral                         0           0
     Bank loans collateral                    11,349      11,440
     Total debt                               10,888      11,257
     Secured bonds                            0           0
     Secured financial debts                  5,128       5,232
     Unencumbered assets to unsecured debt    176%        174%

* Includes pro-rata EBITDA/FFO for Q1 2024 and Q1 2023 of Equity accounted

   Property portfolio reconciliation (EUR million)    31-Mar-2-    31-Dec-2-
                                                    4            3
   Investment property - Office                     7,953        8,035
   Investment property - Retail                     4,734        4,801
   Investment property - Landbank                   1,884        1,930
   Investment property - Residential                1,393        1,424
   Investment property - Development                693          726
   Investment property - Agriculture                135          139
   Investment property - Other hospitality          101          102
   Investment property - Other                      44           44
   Investment property - Industry & Logistics       43           60
   Investment property - Hospitality                0            --
   Property, plant and equipment - Hospitality      547          775
   Property, plant and equipment - Other            24           18
   Property, plant and equipment - Office           18           3
   Property, plant and equipment - Agriculture      16           16
   Property, plant and equipment - Development      11           11
   Property, plant and equipment - Residential      7            6
   Property, plant and equipment - Retail           6            1
   Property, plant and equipment - Landbank         1            1
   Property, plant and equipment - Mountain         0            --
   Equity accounted investees                       805          717
   Inventories - Development                        63           65
   Inventories - Agriculture                        3            --
   Inventories - Landbank                           2            2
   Inventories - Office                             1            --
   Inventories - Other                              0            --
   Inventories - Hospitality                        0            --
   Inventories - Retail                             0            --
   Inventories - Mountain resorts                   0            --
   Inventories - Residential                        0            --
   Inventories - Hotels rented                      0            --
   Assets held for sale                             696          653
   Total                                            19,183       19,531
     Net debt/EBITDA reconciliation (EUR million)    31-Mar-24    31-Dec-23
     Net debt                                      9,965        10,220
     Net business income*                          885          874
     Administrative expenses*                      (130)        (138)
     Other effects*                                41           42
     Net debt/EBITDA                               12.5x        13.1x


For further information please contact:

Investor Relations

Moritz Mayer
Manager, Capital Markets

For more on CPI Property Group, visit our website: www.cpipg.com
Follow us on X (CPIPG_SA) and LinkedIn

(*)* Totals might not sum exactly due to rounding differences.


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   Language:       English
   Company:        CPI PROPERTY GROUP
                   40, rue de la Vallée
                   L-2661 Luxembourg
   Phone:          +352 264 767 1
   Fax:            +352 264 767 67
   E-mail:         contact@cpipg.com
   Internet:       www.cpipg.com
   ISIN:           LU0251710041
   WKN:            A0JL4D
   Listed:         Regulated Market in Frankfurt (General Standard);
                   Regulated Unofficial Market in Dusseldorf, Stuttgart
   EQS News ID:    1915851

End of News EQS News Service

1915851 31.05.2024 CET/CEST
Name WKN Börse Kurs Datum/Zeit Diff. Diff. % Geld Brief Erster Schluss
CPI PROPERTY GRP EO-,10 A0JL4D Frankfurt 0,770 30.09.24 09:18:20 ±0,000 ±0,00% 0,755 0,825 0,770 0,770

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