15.07.2024 07:45:33 - dpa-AFX: EQS-News: Affluent Medical announces the availability of a prospectus for the admission to trading of 6,190,831 shares issued as part of a capital increase without preferential subscription rights in favour of (english)

Affluent Medical announces the availability of a prospectus for the
admission to trading of 6,190,831 shares issued as part of a capital increase
without preferential subscription rights in favour of

EQS-News: Affluent Medical SA / Key word(s): Capital Increase
Affluent Medical announces the availability of a prospectus for the
admission to trading of 6,190,831 shares issued as part of a capital
increase without preferential subscription rights in favour of

15.07.2024 / 07:45 CET/CEST
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.



Affluent Medical announces the availability of a prospectus for the
admission to trading of 6,190,831 shares issued as part of a capital
increase without preferential subscription rights in favour of a category of

Aix-en-Provence, July 15, 2024 - 7:45 a.m. - Affluent Medical (ISIN:
FR0013333077 - Ticker: AFME), a French clinical phase MedTech company
specializing in the international development and industrialization of
innovative medical prostheses, is announcing that the Autorité des marchés
financiers (the "AMF"), approved on July 12, 2024 under number 24-315 the
prospectus made available to the public for the admission to trading on the
regulated market of Euronext in Paris (the "Prospectus") of 6,190,831 new
ordinary shares of the Company issued in connection with a capital increase
without preferential subscription rights in favour of a category of
beneficiaries, for a total cumulative amount, including issue premium, of
EUR8,543,346.78 , at a subscription price of EUR1.38 (including EUR0.10 nominal
value and EUR1.28 share premium) per new share (the "Capital Increase").

The subscription price represents a 15% discount to the volume-weighted
average price of the Company's shares over the last 20 trading days
preceding July 11, 2024.

The Capital Increase has enabled Edwards Lifesciences to become a 9,21%
shareholder of the Company, following its subscription for an amount of EUR5
million (1). FPCI Truffle Medeor, managed by Truffle Capital, and Ginko
Invest, Company's shareholders, participated in the capital increase by
setting off their shareholder loans granted to the Company in April 2024 (2).

The Capital Increase was implemented on July 11, 2024, by decision of the
Chief Executive Officer acting by virtue of a sub-delegation from the Board
of Directors of July 9, 2024, in accordance with the delegation granted by
the 29th resolution of the Combined General Meeting of Shareholders of June
24, 2024, on which the FPCI Truffle Medeor, managed by Truffle Capital and
Ginko Invest abstained from voting. The latter, represented on the Board of
Directors, did not take part in the deliberations or vote of the Board on
the Capital Increase.

Impact of the Capital Increase on the situation of the shareholders

Following the transaction, the share capital of Affluent Medical is now
composed of 39,336,524 shares with a par value of EUR0.10 each.

Based on the Company's share capital at the date of the Prospectus and on an
undiluted basis, a shareholder owning 1% of the share capital before the
transaction would be diluted to 0.84% of the share capital after completion
of the Capital Increase.

Breakdown of share capital and voting rights following the Capital Increase

After completion of the Capital Increase, based on the information available
to Affluent Medical, the distribution of share capital and voting rights is
as follows on a non-diluted and fully diluted basis (taking into account the
number of shares outstanding at the date of the Prospectus):

  Share- Di-                          Distributi-
  holde- st-                             on of
    rs   ri-                             share
         bu-                            capital
         ti-                          and voting
         on                            rights on
         of                            a diluted
         sh-                           basis (6)
  Numbe-  %  Number of  % of   Nu- % of share  Number of    % of
   r of  of   voting   voting  mb-   capital    voting     voting
  share- sh- rights(5) rights  er              rights(5)   rights
    s    ar-                   of
          e                    sh-
         ca-                   ar-
         pi-                   es
  Truff-  23-  60.33%   35,565- 64- 24,528,379   54.45%   36,361,132 5-
  le      ,7-            ,753   .2-                                  9-
  Capit-  33-                   7%                                   .-
  al      ,0-                                                        5-
  manag-  00                                                         6-
  ed                                                                 %
  LCEA    3,-   9.52%   3,746,- 6.-  4,142,004    9.19%   4,142,004  6-
          74-             240   77-                                  .-
          6,-                    %                                   7-
          24-                                                        8-
           0                                                         %
  Edwar-  3,-   9.21%   3,623,- 6.-  3,623,188    8.04%   3,623,188  5-
  ds      62-             188   55-                                  .-
  Lifes-  3,-                    %                                   9-
  cienc-  18-                                                        3-
  es       8                                                         %
  Ginko   60-   1.54%   988,73- 1.-   605,546     1.34%    988,737   1-
  Inves-  5,-              7    79-                                  .-
  t(2)    54-                    %                                   6-
           6                                                         2-
  Hayk    18-   0.48%   187,03- 0.-   187,038     0.42%    187,038   0-
  Holdi-  7,-              8    34-                                  .-
  ng(2)   03-                    %                                   3-
           8                                                         1-
  Denos   18-   0.46%   181,66- 0.-   181,666     0.40%    181,666   0-
  SA(2)   1,-              6    33-                                  .-
          66-                    %                                   3-
           6                                                         0-
  Other   3,-   9.73%   7,483,- 13-  3,826,371    8.49%   7,483,922  1-
  finan-  82-             922   .5-                                  2-
  cial    6,-                   2%                                   .-
  inves-  37-                                                        2-
  tors(-   1                                                         6-
  3)                                                                 %
  Co-fo-  53-   0.14%   87,790  0.-  1,487,759    3.30%   1,521,714  2-
  under-  ,8-                   16-                                  .-
  s,      35                     %                                   4-
  senio-                                                             9-
  r                                                                  %
  rs of
  Treas-  12-   0.32%      -    0.-   125,902     0.28%       -      0-
  ury     5,-                   00-                                  .-
  stock   90-                    %                                   0-
           2                                                         0-
  Emplo-  37-   0.09%   37,347  0.-  1,996,698    4.43%   1,996,698  3-
  yees    ,3-                   07-                                  .-
          47                     %                                   2-
  Free    3,-   8.18%   3,438,- 6.-  4,345,946    9.65%   4,568,416  7-
  float   21-             861   21-                                  .-
          6,-                    %                                   4-
          39-                                                        8-
           1                                                         %
  TOTAL  39-  100.00%  55,340- 10- 45,050,497   100.00%  61,054,515 1-
         ,3-            ,542   0.-                                  0-
         36-                   00-                                  0-
         ,5-                    %                                   .-
         24                                                         0-

(1) The funds and companies managed by Truffle Capital are : FCPI Fortune
III, FCPI Truffle Fortune 4, FCPI Truffle Fortune 5, FCPI Truffle Fortune 6,
FCPI UFF Innovation n14, FCPI UFF Innovation
n17, FCPI
Innocroissance 2015, FCPI Innocroissance 2016, FCPI Innocroissance 2018,
FCPI Innocroissance 2019, FCPI Truffle Biomedtech Crossover Fund, FCPI
Truffle Innov FRR France, Truffle ISF PME 2017, Meningose, Corazan and
Truffle Medeor..

(2) The shareholdings of Ginko Invest (previously included in the
"Co-founders, senior managers and members of the Board of Directors, the
Advisory Board and of the Committees" category), Hayk Holding and Denos SA
(previously included in the "Free float" category), have been increased
following their subscription to the capital increase with cancellation of
shareholders' preferential subscription rights in favor of a category of
beneficiaries carried out by the Company on January 31, 2024, to the extent
of 76,923, 38,461 and 128,205 new shares respectively.

(3) The other financial investors are: Holding Incubatrice Serie I, Holding
Incubatrice Serie II, MyoPowers Medical Technologies SA, MitralFlex, Saint
Joseph hospital Foundation, Simone Merkle, Kam, Zhu..

Holding Incubatrice Serie I holds 1,774,104 shares and 3,548,208 of the
voting rights representing 4.51% of the share capital and 6.41% of the
voting rights on a non-diluted basis and 3.94% of the share capital and
5.81% of the voting rights on a diluted basis.

Holding Incubatrice Serie II holds 741,922 shares and 1,483,844 of the
voting rights representing 1.89% of the share capital and 2.68% of the
voting rights on a non-diluted basis and 1.65% of the share capital and
2.43% of the voting rights on a diluted basis.

(4) It should be noted that:

  * the holdings of Kreos Capital and Ginko Invest previously included in
    this category are no longer included. Kreos Capital's interest is now
    included in "Free float";

  * data on a diluted basis include the 102,450 shares resulting from
    warrants to subscribe for shares (BSA) and the 1,331,474 shares
    resulting from warrants to subscribe for business creator shares (BSPCE)
    issued and allocated to the Company's founders, managers, members of the
    Board of Directors, censors and committees (please refer to sections and of the 2023 Universal Registration Document and
    section 10 of the Amendment regarding the terms and conditions of the
    BSAs and BSPCEs issued and granted).

(5) Including double voting rights.

(6) After issue of a maximum total number of 5,713,973 ordinary shares
arising from the exercise or allocation of all existing dilutive instruments
(BSA, BSPCE, BSAR) (please refer to sections, and
of the 2023 Universal Registration Document and to section 10 of the
Amendment regarding the terms and conditions of the BSA and BSPCE

Availability of the Prospectus

The Prospectus (in French only) consists of:

  i. the Company's 2023 Universal Registration Document filed with the AMF
    on April 30, 2024 under number D.24-0381 (the "2023 Universal
    Registration Document");

  ii. an amendment to the 2023 Universal Registration Document filed with
    the AMF on July 12, 2024 under number D. 24-0381-A01 (the "Amendment");

  iii. a securities note (including the summary of the Prospectus) dated
    July 12, 2024 (the "Securities Note").

The Prospectus is available on the AMF website (www.amf-france.org) and on
the Company's website (https://www.affluentmedical.com). Copies of the
Prospectus are available free of charge at the Company's registered office
at 320 avenue Archimède - Les pléiades III Bâtiment B - 13100

The AMF's approval of the Prospectus should not be considered as a
favourable opinion on the new shares issued as part of the Capital Increase
and admitted to trading on the Euronext Paris regulated market.

Investors' attention is drawn to the risk factors referred to in Chapter 3,
"Risk Factors", of the 2023 Universal Registration Document as updated in
section 2, "Risk Factors", of the Amendment and the risk factors relating to
the transaction or financial securities referred to in section 2, "Risk
Factors", of the Securities Note. The occurrence of some or all of these
risks may have an adverse impact on the Group's business, financial
position, results or ability to achieve its targets.

About Affluent Medical

Affluent Medical is a French MedTech company, founded by Truffle Capital,
with the ambition to become a global leader in the treatment of structural
heart diseases, one of the world's leading cause of mortality, and urinary
incontinence, which currently affects one in four adults.

Affluent Medical develops next-generation, minimally invasive, innovative,
adjustable, and biomimetic implants to restore critical physiological
functions. The product candidates developed by the Company are all currently
in ongoing human clinical studies.

Subject to raising the necessary funds to finance its strategy and to
positive results from ongoing clinical studies, the Company's ambition is to
gradually commercialize its products in 2026, directly or indirectly.

For more information, visit www.affluentmedical.com


   AFFLUENT MEDICAL Sébastien LADET             SEITOSEI.ACTIFIN Financial
   Chief Executive Officer                communications / press relations
   (1)investor@affluentmedical.com         Ghislaine GASPARETTO / Jennifer
   1.                                    JULLIA +33 (0)6 21 10 49 24 / +33
   mailto:investor@affluentmedical.                       (0)1 56 88 11 19
   com                                 (1)ghislaine.gasparetto@seitosei-ac
                                                               tifin.com /
                                                                  .com  1.
                                                          i-actifin.com 2.
   PRIMATICE Media relations France    MC SERVICES AG Media relations
   Thomas ROBOREL de CLIMENS +33       Europe Caroline BERGMANN / Kirsten
   (0)6 78 12 97 95                    RÜHL +49 (0)211 529252 20 / +49
   (1)thomasdeclimens@primatice.com    (0)211 529252 16
   1.                                  (1)affluent@mc-services.eu  1.
   mailto:thomasdeclimens@primatice    mailto:affluent@mc-services.eu


This press release does not constitute and may not be considered a public
offer, purchase offer or subscription offer or as intended to solicit public
interest for the purposes of a public offering. No communication or
information relating to this transaction or to AFFLUENT MEDICAL may be
distributed to the public in any country in which registration or approval
requirements must be satisfied. No steps have been taken (or will be taken)
in any country where such steps are required. The purchase of AFFLUENT
MEDICAL shares may be subject to specific legal or regulatory restrictions
in certain countries. AFFLUENT MEDICAL assumes no liability for any breach
by any person of these restrictions.

This press release constitutes a promotional communication and not a
prospectus within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No. 2017/1129 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of June 14, 2017 (the "Prospectus
Regulation"). In France, an offer to the public of transferable securities
may only be made by virtue of a prospectus approved by the AMF. For EEA
Member States other than France (the "Member States") no action has been or
will be taken to enable a public share offering that may require a
prospectus to be published in one of these Member States. Consequently, the
securities cannot be offered and shall not be offered in any Member State
(other than France), except in accordance with the exceptions provided for
in Article 1(4) of the Prospectus Regulation or in other cases that do not
require AFFLUENT MEDICAL to publish a prospectus under the Prospectus
Regulation and/or the regulations applicable in those Member States. This
press release does not constitute an offer of shares to the public in the
United Kingdom. This press release does not constitute an offer of
securities or any solicitation to buy or subscribe for securities in the
United States or in any other country (other than France). Securities may
only be offered for sale, subscribed for or sold in the United States
following registration under the terms of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933,
as amended ("U.S. Securities Act"), or within the framework of an exemption
from registration. AFFLUENT MEDICAL's shares have not been and will not be
registered under the U.S. Securities Act and AFFLUENT MEDICAL does not
intend to make any public offering of its securities in the United States.

This press release contains information on AFFLUENT MEDICAL's objectives and
forward-looking statements. This information does not constitute historical
data and should not be construed as a guarantee that the facts and data
stated shall occur. This information is based on data, assumptions and
estimates considered as reasonable by AFFLUENT MEDICAL. As AFFLUENT MEDICAL
operates in a competitive and rapidly changing environment, it is unable to
anticipate all the risks, uncertainties, or other factors likely to affect
its business, their potential impact on its business, or to what extent the
materialization of a risk or combination of risks could have results
significantly different from those mentioned in any forward-looking
information. The information contained herein is provided solely as of the
date of this press release. AFFLUENT MEDICAL makes no commitment to publish
updates to this information or the assumptions on which it is based, with
the exception of any legal or regulatory obligation incumbent upon it.

The distribution of this press release in certain countries may constitute a
breach of local laws and regulations. The information contained in this
press release does not constitute an offer of securities in the United
States, Canada, Australia, or Japan. This document may not be published,
transmitted, or distributed either directly or indirectly in the territory
of the United States of America, Canada, Australia, or Japan.

(1) See the Company's press release dated July 12, 2024.

(2) See the Company's press release dated April 25, 2024.


15.07.2024 CET/CEST Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by EQS
News - a service of EQS Group AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

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   Language:       English
   Company:        Affluent Medical SA
                   320 avenue Archimède - Les pléiades III Batiment B
                   13100 Aix-en-Provence
   E-mail:         affluent@mc-services.eu
   Internet:       www.affluentmedical.com
   ISIN:           FR0013333077
   EQS News ID:    1945699

End of News EQS News Service

1945699 15.07.2024 CET/CEST
Name WKN Börse Kurs Datum/Zeit Diff. Diff. % Geld Brief Erster Schluss
AFFLUENT MEDICAL SAS EO 1 A3CRZT Frankfurt 1,600 10.10.24 15:29:02 -0,040 -2,44% 0,000 0,000 1,680 1,600

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